Another weekend of training behind me, and it was absolutely perfect. I hit my numbers to a T for nutrition, which is great, since they changed again. When I weighed in Saturday afternoon I was at 143.. 4# over what I was consistently at a few weeks ago, so my numbers had to drop--which they weren't supposed to do for 2 more weeks. Every time they drop, I stress. It is extremely difficult for me to plan my meals and cut things out to hit the numbers, not just the totals but for each meal to be balanced. And every time they changed, something goes from each of my meals. The most drastic this time was my protein shake. It went from either peanut butter and chocolate, mint chocolate, fruit and spinach (surprisingly delicious) to just protein and water. I was bummed. After my workouts, I looked forward to that shake, and today after I finished some cardio, I was expecting disappointment. Surprisingly, it wasn't all that bad. I say surprisingly mainly because I switched protein powders and everything else has been worse tasting/texture. My oatmeal is really hard to get the right consistency now, and the shakes had been runnier. Also this vanilla flavoring was a lot more like vanilla bean-ish, which I do not like, and the flavor has just been more pronounced. But with the water shake, it was perfect. My other protein could not just be shaken with water, you had to have a blender. So that's one less thing to lug to Greensboro and back each week. Maybe I'll get my old protein as well to put in food, and keep this one just for the shakes. Who knows. Living on the edge, people!
Today I woke up bright and early and got everything done -- laundry, ironing, cooking, shopping -- done by 11:00am. Then I was bored. My internet was out so I couldn't work on my project as planned. I tried to go to the library - closed. So that still is not done. Yes, I clearly have internet now, but you folks are my priority :) I hit the gym, even though it was a rest day, and did 40 minutes of cardio - incline 14%, speed 3.0-2.7 depending on my HR. Then I went to help my friend move into his new apartment. The first thing we moved - a massive freezer - I sliced my hand open pretty good, but I didn't want to look like worthless help so I kept blotting it on my sweat-drenched t-shirt, and hauled on. We got that U-Haul unloaded in under 45 minutes. Not bad. I also had sliced my finger open earlier today when I reached into my bag and slid along the blade of my razor. Haven't cut myself with a razor that bad since the first time I shaved my legs..removed that hair and a 2 inch chunk of skin off of my shin. Nbd.
Well, its back to Greensboro for me. Probably should get to work on that inservice, too. Dang, weekends over. Hope yours was worth writing about!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Double Digits and Bad Meat
I am down to the double digits, people!! 99 Days until the competition! How exciting, this will fly by! Today has been such a wonderful day. I got to go into work late, and was off by 12:30, made it back to Chapel Hill in no time--well it seemed since I got to catch up with my Ma--and got paid! Whoo! That doesn't really mean I have money.. it just means Dad and Mere can get paid. I also came home to a clean house, which might just be my favorite feeling in the world, so I feel like nothing can go wrong this weekend!
I had a great workout today at the good 'ol SRC. Back and Delts again, and I PR'd in everything except seated cable rows, which I have been consistently increasing, so I'm cool with that. I felt great. Then I got my 40 minutes of cardio in. A good friend was on a treadmill when I was about to start so I did the elliptical (my only choice.. which should be clear since there is nothing I hate more about working out then ellipticals and guys with sorry form) for 13 minutes which was about all I could stand, then took over his treadmill for the last 27 minutes. So it actually flew by, even though I had no TV to watch. Just got to people watch all the college boys trying to get cut. There was one impressive dude in there doing box jumps - which is my favorite part of the gym probs - so that was cool.. otherwise nothing exciting to report.
Nutrition was a little off today (or will be). I'm trying to hit 100g carbs, 200g protein, and 60g fat, and after my dinner I'll be at 106g carbs, 203g protein, and 55g fat.. but not too bad. I also weighed myself today for the first day in 3 weeks.. and it's up, which I'm not stoked about. I try not even to weight myself, but I'll have to start doing so weekly for Meredith to update my nutrition stuff.
I know you midwesterners and the rest of America, really, is going through a drought, but here in NC it seems like it never stops raining. Last week sometime there was a bad storm and the power went out for a good couple of hours at my Chapel Hill apartment (and basically the rest of the town) and then today as I was walking out of Trader Joe's it started pouring! But my main concern is.. how do I know if the meat in my freezer - unopened - went bad? No one was here to open the freezer door.. but I don't know how long it was out, and I don't know how to tell if I can eat it still or not. Advice, adults/grown up/mature people my age? I don't really want to throw out 10# of meat if I don't have to, but I also don't want to get sick!
Well, I'm off to eat some almonds, watch a movie and just chill out for the night, since my sister, Mary, thinks its more important to get ready to go out with friends I don't even know, then vid. chat me. Sheesh, what is this world coming to? Anyway, I should be doing my inservice.. but there's always tomorrow right? I don't procrastinate with my health so I have to do it somewhere else.. it's only fair :)
Over and Out.
I had a great workout today at the good 'ol SRC. Back and Delts again, and I PR'd in everything except seated cable rows, which I have been consistently increasing, so I'm cool with that. I felt great. Then I got my 40 minutes of cardio in. A good friend was on a treadmill when I was about to start so I did the elliptical (my only choice.. which should be clear since there is nothing I hate more about working out then ellipticals and guys with sorry form) for 13 minutes which was about all I could stand, then took over his treadmill for the last 27 minutes. So it actually flew by, even though I had no TV to watch. Just got to people watch all the college boys trying to get cut. There was one impressive dude in there doing box jumps - which is my favorite part of the gym probs - so that was cool.. otherwise nothing exciting to report.
Nutrition was a little off today (or will be). I'm trying to hit 100g carbs, 200g protein, and 60g fat, and after my dinner I'll be at 106g carbs, 203g protein, and 55g fat.. but not too bad. I also weighed myself today for the first day in 3 weeks.. and it's up, which I'm not stoked about. I try not even to weight myself, but I'll have to start doing so weekly for Meredith to update my nutrition stuff.
I know you midwesterners and the rest of America, really, is going through a drought, but here in NC it seems like it never stops raining. Last week sometime there was a bad storm and the power went out for a good couple of hours at my Chapel Hill apartment (and basically the rest of the town) and then today as I was walking out of Trader Joe's it started pouring! But my main concern is.. how do I know if the meat in my freezer - unopened - went bad? No one was here to open the freezer door.. but I don't know how long it was out, and I don't know how to tell if I can eat it still or not. Advice, adults/grown up/mature people my age? I don't really want to throw out 10# of meat if I don't have to, but I also don't want to get sick!
Well, I'm off to eat some almonds, watch a movie and just chill out for the night, since my sister, Mary, thinks its more important to get ready to go out with friends I don't even know, then vid. chat me. Sheesh, what is this world coming to? Anyway, I should be doing my inservice.. but there's always tomorrow right? I don't procrastinate with my health so I have to do it somewhere else.. it's only fair :)
Over and Out.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Workout Wednesday
Just saw a commercial for this gem.. Forgiven, the alcohol metabolizer. The commercial says you ever have a hard next day after a night out? Not anymore, you're forgiven ... Forgiven can be found at your local drug stores, at the bottom shelf in the supplement section. That's right, the bottom shelf. Because the product isn't good enough, or the company doesn't have enough money, to have it be in the middle, where products are actually seen. I've got an idea for you. Why don't you just figure out how much alcohol you and your body can handle. Drink that amount, or less, and you won't need forgiving. It's called self-control you fools. Sheesh.
It's always a great feeling when Wednesday is complete. Thursday will fly by, and then only a half day of work on Friday. Today, I was scheduled for 2 doubles at work today, and 3 of those 4 patients cancelled/no-showed. You gotta love outpatient at times! Seriously, those were the first 3 cancellations of the last 2 weeks, and I was ready for them. One of the doubles wouldn't have been too bad, but the other set was a rotator cuff repair, 2nd therapy appointment, and a spinal stenosis patient with a 5 level spinal fusion who needs a translator. So that would've sucked. Thank you for staying home today, peeps. Tomorrow my double booking is two shoulder patients, which shouldn't be too bad, but one of them has a learning disorder and needs constant tactile cues, so it will be an interesting morning. Oh, and my last patient today came in saying This is my last appointment, I don't need therapy, this is the last time you'll see me. Alright, lady, this is your first appointment since your total hip replacement. I think it would be a good idea to stay. I got her to work hard, and she will be coming back, but in the middle of the session, she starting crying on me. Sheesh. Anyone who knows me well can imagine how I handled that. A 50 y.o women crying, for no apparent reason. All I said was, Is everything okay? Do you want to take a break? No response. So I just sat there. Way to go, Susie. But in my defense, I am not an emotional therapist, I am a physical therapist (student).. meaning I treat physical problems, not emotional ones. Ya, I wish that were true...
Workout today was great I suppose. My energy levels today were low low LOW, and I don't know why. Another day of getting home and just wanting to sleep. Driving to the gym and just wanting to sleep. But then I turned on my jams and was singing alongside Chris Brown at the top of my lungs with my windows down and that got me to the gym. And then I wanted to sleep again. Oh well. Dips today felt like my pecs were ripping away from my sternum again, but I PR'd on everything except stupid Preacher Curls. I hate preacher curls. Maybe it's because they are my last lift and I just don't want to do anymore biceps. My arms were SWOLL and tired and had enough and honestly, I was begging to get to cardio. Unfortunately for me, I got to the gym way earlier today (5 o'clock.. meaning I only had to wait about 10 minutes for a rack to open up) so I only caught 15 minutes of the Roma v Liverpool game during my cardio-sesh for the day, but I made it home in time to catch the end of the first half, and am currently watching the 2nd. (0-0 for those of you who are interested)They are playing at Fenway park, which is pretty cool actually. Next game up, Chelsea v MLS All-Stars. Awesome. We'll see if I can stay up for that.
Two of my other friends got engaged Monday night. I am so happy for them. They have both been two of my closest friends since grade school (Erin) and middle school (Tyler). Erin was even part of my really sweet Mercury Club that was in the woods of my backyard. I'm not going into details.. just be jealous that you weren't a part of it.
It's always a great feeling when Wednesday is complete. Thursday will fly by, and then only a half day of work on Friday. Today, I was scheduled for 2 doubles at work today, and 3 of those 4 patients cancelled/no-showed. You gotta love outpatient at times! Seriously, those were the first 3 cancellations of the last 2 weeks, and I was ready for them. One of the doubles wouldn't have been too bad, but the other set was a rotator cuff repair, 2nd therapy appointment, and a spinal stenosis patient with a 5 level spinal fusion who needs a translator. So that would've sucked. Thank you for staying home today, peeps. Tomorrow my double booking is two shoulder patients, which shouldn't be too bad, but one of them has a learning disorder and needs constant tactile cues, so it will be an interesting morning. Oh, and my last patient today came in saying This is my last appointment, I don't need therapy, this is the last time you'll see me. Alright, lady, this is your first appointment since your total hip replacement. I think it would be a good idea to stay. I got her to work hard, and she will be coming back, but in the middle of the session, she starting crying on me. Sheesh. Anyone who knows me well can imagine how I handled that. A 50 y.o women crying, for no apparent reason. All I said was, Is everything okay? Do you want to take a break? No response. So I just sat there. Way to go, Susie. But in my defense, I am not an emotional therapist, I am a physical therapist (student).. meaning I treat physical problems, not emotional ones. Ya, I wish that were true...
Workout today was great I suppose. My energy levels today were low low LOW, and I don't know why. Another day of getting home and just wanting to sleep. Driving to the gym and just wanting to sleep. But then I turned on my jams and was singing alongside Chris Brown at the top of my lungs with my windows down and that got me to the gym. And then I wanted to sleep again. Oh well. Dips today felt like my pecs were ripping away from my sternum again, but I PR'd on everything except stupid Preacher Curls. I hate preacher curls. Maybe it's because they are my last lift and I just don't want to do anymore biceps. My arms were SWOLL and tired and had enough and honestly, I was begging to get to cardio. Unfortunately for me, I got to the gym way earlier today (5 o'clock.. meaning I only had to wait about 10 minutes for a rack to open up) so I only caught 15 minutes of the Roma v Liverpool game during my cardio-sesh for the day, but I made it home in time to catch the end of the first half, and am currently watching the 2nd. (0-0 for those of you who are interested)They are playing at Fenway park, which is pretty cool actually. Next game up, Chelsea v MLS All-Stars. Awesome. We'll see if I can stay up for that.
Two of my other friends got engaged Monday night. I am so happy for them. They have both been two of my closest friends since grade school (Erin) and middle school (Tyler). Erin was even part of my really sweet Mercury Club that was in the woods of my backyard. I'm not going into details.. just be jealous that you weren't a part of it.
I'm also counting down the days until I head back to Iowa to get my bff (Bliz), chill with my fam, see my sister Mare, and go to ANOTHER wedding of two of my old (grade and high) school friends, Alicia and Eric. That'll be a fun one. And I bought a bomb dress in Asheville last weekend that I can wear with it.. providing Mary brings me some heels to match (holla at me PG).
Alright, this books been written. I'm off to shower, watch some soccer, eat some chicken, and hit the sack. Check ya later!
(Roma-Liverpool Update: ROMA's Michael Bradley (an American y'all) scored. Yahoo. He's only 24. I could've done that.)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Tuesday for the Books
I got home from work today by 5, and I was REALLY tempted to go to sleep. Yes, bed by 5 is not an strange, or even uncommon, occurrence for me. But I didn't. Why? Because I had to go to the gym. And I had to eat. And now that I got my workout in, I feel great, and am ready to get some more things checked off my to-do list!
I love the refreshed feeling a good workout leaves you with. I had back and rear-delts today and my shoulders are coming in pretty nicely. They are even a bit striated, which I LOVE. Also, as I was waiting for a squat rack to open up (20 minutes for someone to do 2 sets is ridiculous. I also want to add that I got my 8 sets in before the 2 guys next to me got in 2. TWO! On two different racks I might add. And I take my rest time. Get out of here, dudes!) .. carrying on.. I looked through my notebook and noticed I hadn't increased weight in the last 2 weeks for this workout for my shoulder presses, and hardly had increased in the last two weeks for my bent over rows. So what did I do? I increased weight on EVERYTHING and I did it with great form. By the end, my arms and back were exhausted, but man did I feel good. Then I did cardio, watched the 2nd half of the USA game, and caught up on my Danika Patrick news, and a little NFL talk. Then of course I caught a little of Deadliest Catch.. because that show is awesome. But I'm not going to lie.. I think I looked at the time every 2 minutes for the first half of it. My calves were tight and I thought my heart was going to explode -- a bit of an exaggeration since I don't think it got above 147 -- and I wanted to go home. But I finished it and I'm glad I did. GREAT workout.
Now it's time to shower and make dinner. Tomorrow's cardio entertainment will be a couple good soccer games, yahoo. Alright people I'm out. Make the most of your weeks!
Oh and FYI, I'm back on track with my nutrition, 2 perfect days to start the week..only 102 more to go!
I love the refreshed feeling a good workout leaves you with. I had back and rear-delts today and my shoulders are coming in pretty nicely. They are even a bit striated, which I LOVE. Also, as I was waiting for a squat rack to open up (20 minutes for someone to do 2 sets is ridiculous. I also want to add that I got my 8 sets in before the 2 guys next to me got in 2. TWO! On two different racks I might add. And I take my rest time. Get out of here, dudes!) .. carrying on.. I looked through my notebook and noticed I hadn't increased weight in the last 2 weeks for this workout for my shoulder presses, and hardly had increased in the last two weeks for my bent over rows. So what did I do? I increased weight on EVERYTHING and I did it with great form. By the end, my arms and back were exhausted, but man did I feel good. Then I did cardio, watched the 2nd half of the USA game, and caught up on my Danika Patrick news, and a little NFL talk. Then of course I caught a little of Deadliest Catch.. because that show is awesome. But I'm not going to lie.. I think I looked at the time every 2 minutes for the first half of it. My calves were tight and I thought my heart was going to explode -- a bit of an exaggeration since I don't think it got above 147 -- and I wanted to go home. But I finished it and I'm glad I did. GREAT workout.
Now it's time to shower and make dinner. Tomorrow's cardio entertainment will be a couple good soccer games, yahoo. Alright people I'm out. Make the most of your weeks!
Oh and FYI, I'm back on track with my nutrition, 2 perfect days to start the week..only 102 more to go!
Butts and Wet Hands
So I realized one important thing when I was in Asheville, and I am consistently reminded of it. I'm all for nature and being active and getting dirty. Fine. But not my hands. If I am going to fall I'm okay with my legs, arms, face even, getting dirty or wet or scratched. But my hands? Absolutely not. I hate having dirt on my hands.. but I think what really gets me, is having wet hands. It's like showering, washing my hands, washing dishes.. whatever.. takes a big mental effort because I don't want my hands wet, slimy, and I don't want to touch anything else with wet hands. It's gross. Like the reason I didn't take off my socks and shoes to play around in the waterfall.. I didn't want to get my hands wet touching my feet to put my socks and shoes back on. Ridiculous. It's especially inconvenient hiking or being outside, because when you trip/fall, you instinctively put out your hands. But thats exactly what I don't want to do if I have time to think about it. I guess I just need to learn to take it to the face... because that's where I'll be landing from here on out.
Monday was a long day. By noon, I had seen 12 patients, out of this world. I'm completely independent at my clinical now. I do all of the eval and treatments, renewals and discharges, myself. Today, and for the rest of this week, we have patients doubled up during treatment times, and I'm seeing both of them at once. Why isn't my CI taking one? I don't know. I'm getting a lot of practice though, and frankly I think I'm one hell of a PT. But I may be biased. A 15 year old's dad told me though that they liked working with me and that his daughter talked about me a lot at home. That's because she's not 60 years old and complaining of pain. She tore her ACL and wants to get back to playing ball. Can I kick her ass during therapy? Yes. And I love it, so of course she loves me!
I made it to the gym yesterday for my 40 minute cardio-sesh and loved it. Switched back and forth between Sports Network, Pardon the Interruption, and Around the Horn. I am all caught up on my sports and I can't wait to get back for more. USA game today so better believe I'll be loving me some treadmill walking after my back and delts workout!
Gotta head to work, patients are waiting for me to either kick their butt or massage their butt.. yes, I'll be digging my elbow in someone's butt today for ~18 minutes. Jeal much?
Monday was a long day. By noon, I had seen 12 patients, out of this world. I'm completely independent at my clinical now. I do all of the eval and treatments, renewals and discharges, myself. Today, and for the rest of this week, we have patients doubled up during treatment times, and I'm seeing both of them at once. Why isn't my CI taking one? I don't know. I'm getting a lot of practice though, and frankly I think I'm one hell of a PT. But I may be biased. A 15 year old's dad told me though that they liked working with me and that his daughter talked about me a lot at home. That's because she's not 60 years old and complaining of pain. She tore her ACL and wants to get back to playing ball. Can I kick her ass during therapy? Yes. And I love it, so of course she loves me!
I made it to the gym yesterday for my 40 minute cardio-sesh and loved it. Switched back and forth between Sports Network, Pardon the Interruption, and Around the Horn. I am all caught up on my sports and I can't wait to get back for more. USA game today so better believe I'll be loving me some treadmill walking after my back and delts workout!
Gotta head to work, patients are waiting for me to either kick their butt or massage their butt.. yes, I'll be digging my elbow in someone's butt today for ~18 minutes. Jeal much?
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Asheville.. I can smell you from here!
I just got back from Asheville, and there is definitely some truth to the saying "Keep Asheville Weird".. but it was so great and awesome and it was a MUCH needed weekend getaway!
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Zumba on the Green |
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My neighbor in Kansas, Jack Hull, and his girlfriend, Katie Swank at the Blue Ridge Parkway |
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We had an absolute blast. A day to explore the downtown and what the city had to offer, and a day to hike Mount Pisgah and the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was perfect, and it made me miss my hiking and fishing trip with my dad. I love the outdoors. I love hiking, I love camping, I love fishing, and this was just what I needed to get out of my funk I've been in lately.
Nutrition wasn't perfect over the weekend, I can't lie about that. I indulged a bit, and to be honest I felt guilty about it. My competition is 104 days and I'm ready to dedicate the rest of this time to that goal. I needed a break, and I'm glad I had it. It gave me some fresh perspective of my goal and why I'm doing it and it reinforced that it is something I want to do for me. I had a perfect 5 day streak last week.. and I'm ready to have a perfect 103 day streak, so Monday, come and get me because I'm ready for you!
I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to tackle the week head on!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
4 Checks
Monday.. Check
Tuesday.. Check
Wednesday.. Check
Thursday.. Check
So far, perfect week of my leaning-out nutrition! Love it. I'm not hungry, energy has been great, and I've just been in a great mood (well minus Tuesday.. but whatever) However today is the first day of the week I've done my 40 minutes of cardio (I did it Sunday, too, but my workout weeks start Tuesday so that was just me being awesome).. seriously, Mere? 40 minutes?! You are killing me! ha. It's not AWFUL.. I'm just bored. Except I did watch a bunch of sports bloopers on Sports Network today during the first half which really made the time fly.. so as long as I can plan that accordingly I should be good! haha.
Today's workout was legs.. and it was great. I went up in weight on every set for every exercise EXCEPT 1.. which was squat jumps holding a medicine ball.. and I'm already holding the heaviest ball so boo-yah. I'm a bad ass :) It never hurts to toot your own horn, people, just do it in moderation.
Well the week is almost over, and I'm completely cool with that. Tomorrow I'm just chilling out in Greensboro for once, and then Saturday it's off to Asheville with my best Kansas neighbor-friend Jack and his gf Katie. I'm stoked. A day of exploring, hiking, white watering and lots of nature. I couldn't be more excited to get out and have fun and just have a summer! Diet will be difficult, but I'm planning on bringing what I can and then just really thinking protein only at meals. I'll be able to get half of my meals at home Saturday, and half Sunday, so it shouldn't throw me off too bad. Yes, I'm motivated and dedicated and want to do great at this competition, but I also know that I need balance and I need to get out and have fun more then anything right now. So, I'm doing this for me. And I'm happy. And that's what matters to me in the long run.
Well I gotta shower (eh.. let's be honest, I'll save it for the am) and get to bed. Oh ps.. Tuesday night.. I went to bed at 5:40pm.. I woke up to my alarm at 5:36am (yes thats what time it's set for) It was great. I'm definitely hitting my 7 hour mark this week.. probably why life has been so great lately :) I have also already planned my August resolution.. but I'm going to leave y'all in anticipation! Good night.. stay motivated.. stay focused on your goals.. stay dedicated.. and most importantly enjoy life!
Tuesday.. Check
Wednesday.. Check
Thursday.. Check
So far, perfect week of my leaning-out nutrition! Love it. I'm not hungry, energy has been great, and I've just been in a great mood (well minus Tuesday.. but whatever) However today is the first day of the week I've done my 40 minutes of cardio (I did it Sunday, too, but my workout weeks start Tuesday so that was just me being awesome).. seriously, Mere? 40 minutes?! You are killing me! ha. It's not AWFUL.. I'm just bored. Except I did watch a bunch of sports bloopers on Sports Network today during the first half which really made the time fly.. so as long as I can plan that accordingly I should be good! haha.
Today's workout was legs.. and it was great. I went up in weight on every set for every exercise EXCEPT 1.. which was squat jumps holding a medicine ball.. and I'm already holding the heaviest ball so boo-yah. I'm a bad ass :) It never hurts to toot your own horn, people, just do it in moderation.
Well the week is almost over, and I'm completely cool with that. Tomorrow I'm just chilling out in Greensboro for once, and then Saturday it's off to Asheville with my best Kansas neighbor-friend Jack and his gf Katie. I'm stoked. A day of exploring, hiking, white watering and lots of nature. I couldn't be more excited to get out and have fun and just have a summer! Diet will be difficult, but I'm planning on bringing what I can and then just really thinking protein only at meals. I'll be able to get half of my meals at home Saturday, and half Sunday, so it shouldn't throw me off too bad. Yes, I'm motivated and dedicated and want to do great at this competition, but I also know that I need balance and I need to get out and have fun more then anything right now. So, I'm doing this for me. And I'm happy. And that's what matters to me in the long run.
Well I gotta shower (eh.. let's be honest, I'll save it for the am) and get to bed. Oh ps.. Tuesday night.. I went to bed at 5:40pm.. I woke up to my alarm at 5:36am (yes thats what time it's set for) It was great. I'm definitely hitting my 7 hour mark this week.. probably why life has been so great lately :) I have also already planned my August resolution.. but I'm going to leave y'all in anticipation! Good night.. stay motivated.. stay focused on your goals.. stay dedicated.. and most importantly enjoy life!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
You are responsible for YOU
Another workout in the books! Back and Rear Delts today, and it went well. I got to go to the gym early because my clinic had some sort of team building thing that I didn't have to go to.. thank god. Today at the clinic was great.. until about the last 30 minutes when my CI made me cry. She was annoying me and I got stressed out and then.. she hugged me. Lord, save me, that threw me over the edge. And I went to the gym pissed off and decided that I wasn't going to let someone else determine my mood. If I wanted to be happy I would. I think it's really easy for people to let others effect them. People's words and opinions can alter your mood, alter your decisions, and despite if it's for the good or bad, you shouldn't be dependent on others to be happy. Happiness needs to come from YOU. I think this also ties in to not eating when you are sad/mad/depressed. You are seeking the food for comfort.. but what you are really doing is throwing your diet and all of your hard work off balance because SOMEONE/thing ELSE put you in a bad place. So not only did that person hurt your mood, they also hurt your diet.. which you will be unhappy with much longer then you can even remember what that person did to effect you. So no. I won't let someone else effect me. I won't be happy only when others think highly of me, and I won't be disappointed or sad when someone says or does something mean. My opinions of myself are the only ones that truly matter in the long run. And I will decide to be happy. You should, too.
So I went to the gym and knocked out one hell of a workout. I used that anger as fuel to move around some pretty heavy weight and I feel great. Maybe I should thank her tomorrow. But I wouldn't want her to think she has any more control over me than I do. So I'll do nothing. And I'm okay with that.
Take care of yourself first and foremost, and do it everyday. Do something that makes you happy. Keep people around you who not only build you up, but who support what you are doing and motivate you. That is not to say that everyone in your life needs the same goals, but the more goal-oriented they are, the better. They won't try to side reel you from being great. They'll push you. They'll understand the setbacks and encourage you to try again to move past them. People who judge your ambitions only do so because they lack the dedication and discipline to have ambitions of their own. You can do ANYTHING you want. NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE. Think of something you have said that you can't do in the past. Is it really that you can't? Or is it that you won't/aren't? Can you really not lose those last 10# or last 2% body fat? Are you really doing EVERYTHING you can do to try? Or are you really not that dedicated to changing your lifestyle and doing it? Maybe you can't do 10 pushups today, but you can do 1, on your knees, or against the wall, and if you do that every day before you know it you will do 10 pushups.. probably with one arm :)
Thank you for being my support. My outlet. My motivation. You all are awesome and make my journey much easier. Now I'm off to meet that resolution. Yes, I mean bed. I know it's 5 pm.. and I'm happy about that. Have a great night folks, get ready for Wednesday, it'll be here before you know it!
So I went to the gym and knocked out one hell of a workout. I used that anger as fuel to move around some pretty heavy weight and I feel great. Maybe I should thank her tomorrow. But I wouldn't want her to think she has any more control over me than I do. So I'll do nothing. And I'm okay with that.
Take care of yourself first and foremost, and do it everyday. Do something that makes you happy. Keep people around you who not only build you up, but who support what you are doing and motivate you. That is not to say that everyone in your life needs the same goals, but the more goal-oriented they are, the better. They won't try to side reel you from being great. They'll push you. They'll understand the setbacks and encourage you to try again to move past them. People who judge your ambitions only do so because they lack the dedication and discipline to have ambitions of their own. You can do ANYTHING you want. NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE. Think of something you have said that you can't do in the past. Is it really that you can't? Or is it that you won't/aren't? Can you really not lose those last 10# or last 2% body fat? Are you really doing EVERYTHING you can do to try? Or are you really not that dedicated to changing your lifestyle and doing it? Maybe you can't do 10 pushups today, but you can do 1, on your knees, or against the wall, and if you do that every day before you know it you will do 10 pushups.. probably with one arm :)
Thank you for being my support. My outlet. My motivation. You all are awesome and make my journey much easier. Now I'm off to meet that resolution. Yes, I mean bed. I know it's 5 pm.. and I'm happy about that. Have a great night folks, get ready for Wednesday, it'll be here before you know it!
Getting Lean!
So my cutting phase is off to a great start! My macros changed this Sunday/Monday and after a couple hours of planning I have done perfect :) I couldn't be happier. I know the nutrition is going to be the hard part, especially when I get stressed with school and tests/papers start becoming due, but if I can get in the habit of being perfect now, I should have no problem come September. And then it's only 1 more month! Holy crap it's coming up quickly! I've decided to eat the exact same meals Monday-Friday each week, and then on the weekend plan the next weeks menu. This may seem boring, but honestly I've been eating basically the same thing for the past 6 months just less strictly and I'm not bored yet. This way I don't have to stay up late planning and stressing about meeting the numbers each night, and can just go through that on the weekend when I have more time.
So my numbers have changed as follows:
Carbs: 195 --> 100g
Protein: 220 --> 200g
Fats: 45 --> 60g
Really the challenging part for me Sunday when I was planning was getting in those last 15g of fat. I've been so used to cutting them out that I had to really think to get them back in.. and without adding anymore carbs to the mix. Added in some flax seed oil, and called it good.
The only other thing that has changed for me is the cardio. I was doing 3 days of 30 minutes the last 2 weeks and now its 4 days of 40 minutes. Unfortunately, this still has to be HR < 150.. meaning I can't just go for a run. But Meredith says HIIT will begin soon enough, so I'll just be patient until then.
In others news, did anyone watch the USA v Brazil men's game yesterday? That was embarrassing. Luckily, they pulled it off, but they need to get it together. I'll just have to start watching the women I suppose.
Off to work I go. Another 11 1/2 hour day ahead of me. Can't wait.
So my numbers have changed as follows:
Carbs: 195 --> 100g
Protein: 220 --> 200g
Fats: 45 --> 60g
Really the challenging part for me Sunday when I was planning was getting in those last 15g of fat. I've been so used to cutting them out that I had to really think to get them back in.. and without adding anymore carbs to the mix. Added in some flax seed oil, and called it good.
The only other thing that has changed for me is the cardio. I was doing 3 days of 30 minutes the last 2 weeks and now its 4 days of 40 minutes. Unfortunately, this still has to be HR < 150.. meaning I can't just go for a run. But Meredith says HIIT will begin soon enough, so I'll just be patient until then.
In others news, did anyone watch the USA v Brazil men's game yesterday? That was embarrassing. Luckily, they pulled it off, but they need to get it together. I'll just have to start watching the women I suppose.
Off to work I go. Another 11 1/2 hour day ahead of me. Can't wait.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Needing Balance
Sorry I've been MIA lately.. this week has been a crazy one, but I'm ready to get focused and get back to the things in life that make me happy. I really believe that everyone needs a balance in all aspects of their life.. work, working out, and eating are the only things I've had this last week, and I've been a stressed out, emotional "wreck" to say the least. I've been really unhappy with where I am and it's been tempting to turn to food for the comfort, but since I eat more than enough as it is right now, I've had enough will power to stop my temptations from sabotaging everything I've worked for thus far. I needed rest, and I need an outlet. My typical day is up by 5, work by 6:30, off by 5 (hopefully), dinner, gym, dinner #2 and by that time it's 9pm at the earliest. And it's slowly tearing away at my happiness with where I am and my motivation to keep going with the training and nutrition. Which is silly, because the gym is what keeps me sane and my goals are the only thing making me happy right now. But I needed rest. And I need to get out and do something socially before I crash. And that's where this balance comes into play. I can do nothing about the clinical I'm at and the work and hours I have. The gym is my outlet, and I need and WANT (most importantly) to be there and keep that schedule. The food I eat is great, and although it takes time to plan what I'm eating and a lot of will power not to waiver, it's the fuel I need to keep going. Good choices are increasingly important as I continue this journey. I also need to start getting more sleep. My July resolution is going alright, I'm definitely averaging over 7 hours a night.. but really I need 9-10 hours to function at my best, and some nights only getting 5-6 is not working for me. So the first change I am making is to make that a priority. Nothing during the work week can really change for me, so I'm realizing I need to take advantage of my weekends. I need to rest. I need to go DO things and have fun and see my friends. I need to do what's best for myself now, and if that means not working on the weekends - and not having any money - then that's what I will have to do. I've taken off work from my weekend job until after classes start in order to take advantage of the summer I have left, so anyone who wants to make weekend trips with me let me know. The planning has started :)
Workouts have been going great. I'm up on all of my weights and feeling really great throughout the time I'm in the gym. My shoulder has healed up nicely and isn't giving me any trouble and I'm feeling pretty solid. I had Chest and Core today back in Chapel Hill and am happy to report I was doing incline DB press next to a guy with bigger muscles then me, and was doing more reps with 15# more weight. Ha. I love it, not that there is anything wrong with lifting less as long as you are pushing yourself, but it really just made me happy today. The little things. I didn't do any cardio today because my to-do list is about a mile long and I'm just drained.
Nutrition changes are coming soon, and honestly I'm looking forward to it. I can barely keep up with all the food I'm supposed to be eating now.
Well I got to shower and eat before I go to work in a bit tonight. Last night for a while.. hopefully I don't get fired, but honestly at this point, I could care less. Ha. Awesome, Susie. Then I'll be saying hello to my sweet, sweet bed and I'll be okay if I sleep in until 9:30 again tomorrow.
How do you all keep your life together? What kind of balance do you need?
Workouts have been going great. I'm up on all of my weights and feeling really great throughout the time I'm in the gym. My shoulder has healed up nicely and isn't giving me any trouble and I'm feeling pretty solid. I had Chest and Core today back in Chapel Hill and am happy to report I was doing incline DB press next to a guy with bigger muscles then me, and was doing more reps with 15# more weight. Ha. I love it, not that there is anything wrong with lifting less as long as you are pushing yourself, but it really just made me happy today. The little things. I didn't do any cardio today because my to-do list is about a mile long and I'm just drained.
Nutrition changes are coming soon, and honestly I'm looking forward to it. I can barely keep up with all the food I'm supposed to be eating now.
Well I got to shower and eat before I go to work in a bit tonight. Last night for a while.. hopefully I don't get fired, but honestly at this point, I could care less. Ha. Awesome, Susie. Then I'll be saying hello to my sweet, sweet bed and I'll be okay if I sleep in until 9:30 again tomorrow.
How do you all keep your life together? What kind of balance do you need?
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
115 days to go!
I love spicy food. The more it makes my nose run and eyes water, the better. I made some chicken yesterday with Sriracha sauce on it, and then mixed it with some basmati rice, squash, and tomato and sprinkled it all with garlic salt for dinner. It was delectable! I loved it. My favorite flavors all combined. And it took all of 5 minutes to throw together today. No excuses for eating a box of oreos.. macaroni (which actually takes a long time to make).. or a lean cuisine for dinner. The hardest thing was measuring the rice out.
Today was a great day at "work". I did 3 evaluations completely on my own and treated all my patients with no help from my CI. Great day. I did have a patient though who came in with back pain. She told me My whole body hurts. Oh ya... okay. Well let's just talk about your back. How long's that been going on? Since I gave birth to my youngest daughter. Okay, when was that. Well she's 40 years old.. You didn't think in the last 40 years to go to the doctor before now? Great. Just great. But it went well anyway. I also had a patient who barely would walk 5 feet without her "back brace/corset" on.. too much pain. Right. She's supratentorial.. (that was seriously in a doctor's referral to us.. not for this pt.. but pretty hilarious anyway. Do you use that Joan?)
Workouts this week have been great. Rear Delts and Back along with some light cardio yesterday; Tris, Bis, and Core today. I got a couple PRs so I'm feeling good. Tomorrow is legs and I'll do a little cardio as well. Also, nutrition for this past week has been spot on. Although, my macros aren't spread out as evenly as I'd like, I am hitting all of the numbers pretty consistently. This weekend things are changing, so I'll have to do a little adjusting once I find out the details on that. I'm excited. 115 days to go!
Well, gotta get back to watching the Espys. KU vs MU border showdown should've won the most whatever game.. something about best comeback or just being awesome in general.. but they didn't the SF Giants did. True that was a great game but geeez the KU game was the best. And I got goosebumps watching it all over again. In case you are curious... Oh and Jack Harry.. suck it. We're okay letting them go. Chumps chumps chumps..
Oh ya, and I just want you to all know that I got a record in minesweeper tonight.. Expert.. 125s. Yup. Great day, indeed. Keep it real, peeps. It's almost the weekend.. that means a lot more work for me. Awesome. 7 day work weeks are stupid.
Today was a great day at "work". I did 3 evaluations completely on my own and treated all my patients with no help from my CI. Great day. I did have a patient though who came in with back pain. She told me My whole body hurts. Oh ya... okay. Well let's just talk about your back. How long's that been going on? Since I gave birth to my youngest daughter. Okay, when was that. Well she's 40 years old.. You didn't think in the last 40 years to go to the doctor before now? Great. Just great. But it went well anyway. I also had a patient who barely would walk 5 feet without her "back brace/corset" on.. too much pain. Right. She's supratentorial.. (that was seriously in a doctor's referral to us.. not for this pt.. but pretty hilarious anyway. Do you use that Joan?)
Workouts this week have been great. Rear Delts and Back along with some light cardio yesterday; Tris, Bis, and Core today. I got a couple PRs so I'm feeling good. Tomorrow is legs and I'll do a little cardio as well. Also, nutrition for this past week has been spot on. Although, my macros aren't spread out as evenly as I'd like, I am hitting all of the numbers pretty consistently. This weekend things are changing, so I'll have to do a little adjusting once I find out the details on that. I'm excited. 115 days to go!
Well, gotta get back to watching the Espys. KU vs MU border showdown should've won the most whatever game.. something about best comeback or just being awesome in general.. but they didn't the SF Giants did. True that was a great game but geeez the KU game was the best. And I got goosebumps watching it all over again. In case you are curious... Oh and Jack Harry.. suck it. We're okay letting them go. Chumps chumps chumps..
Oh ya, and I just want you to all know that I got a record in minesweeper tonight.. Expert.. 125s. Yup. Great day, indeed. Keep it real, peeps. It's almost the weekend.. that means a lot more work for me. Awesome. 7 day work weeks are stupid.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Forgetful Me
I think one of the sucky things in life is having such a great, fun Sunday that it makes Monday even worse. I also hate holiday ads on TV or the radio after the holiday has past. I don't understand why the companies can't say. okay, July 5/Dec 26/etc, stop running this ad. But they don't.. and they run it until the next holiday begins it seems like. And it's annoying.
I went back down to Davidson this weekend to house sit/dog sit for my aunt and uncle. Saturday and Sunday I went on a 4 mile run/walk. I would run until my HR reached 151 and then walk until it was back down to 129 and repeat. It was great.. and hot. Even at 7:30 am I got back home and was dripping sweat. It was great. Not.
I spent almost all day Sunday on the boat. My face thanks me for that. I drove back to Greensboro and didn't get lost this time.. probably because I didn't use the GPS and just relied on myself. Glad I'm smarter then technology still. Anyway, I got home, cooked some food for the week, and laid down in bed (without showering post-lake I'll have you know. And I'm not ashamed) and realized I left my watch on the boat. Not any watch. My HR monitoring watch. Awesome. So now I'm trying to decide when I can make it back to grab it and I'm devastated. I also forgot my bread, which I had gotten over, until realizing I also left my watch and now I want that too. What a somber end to my day.
Today I get to go "work" at the neuro outpatient clinic which should be pretty cool. I get to work with a lot of amputees today.. so we'll see how that goes.
Hope you all had a great weekend. Take advantage of this fresh start we are so lucky to get every Monday and tackle your goals!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
My Patriotic Skin
I had such a wonderful Fourth of July! I didn't have to work, and got to spend the day with my Aunt and Uncle down in Davidson. I started my day by hitting the gym at 5:30am. I had Bis, Tris, and Core, and I sure felt it.
Tricep Bench
Standing Cable Curls
Seated Hammer Curls
Single Arm Tri Cable Extension
Preacher Curls
Plank Roll Outs
Stability Ball Crunches
So since I was there so early, I was one of maybe 6 people in the gym. During my 3rd set of dips, I had 140# stacked on my lap and when I went down on the first rep the top 95# slid back and pinch some of my skin/fat between the plates.. awesome. So I thought about asking for help from a nearby guy, but instead I just wimpered to myself and leaned back until my skin pinched itself out. It hurt like a bitch. And turned a pretty bluish almost immediately..
When I got to Davidson, my Unc is training for a triathalon, so he wanted to swim in the open water for some practice, and I kayaked along side him. It was great.. paddled a few times.. floated around.. paddled to avoid running him over.. floated. Then we all went out on the boat on Lake Norman and I decided I'd forego the sun block in favor of getting all my summer tanning in in that one afternoon, and I am now a nice red, with a tint of bronze. Luckily this red covered up my blue belly pinching bruise.. otherwise I'd be as red-white-and-blue as the wonderful American Flag.. and every other red white and blue flag that is of little importance to me.
Our Fourth concluded with a nice dinner with some of their friends and extended family, and then fireworks on the lake. It was perfect and I had such a wonderful time. Until I got lost in Greensboro at 11:45pm and wanted to smash something ha. But I didn't and I slept in this am until 7:05! It was AMAZING! And I got my 7 hours of sleep in :) I did eat healthy MOST of yesterday, and the rest constituted my 3rd cheat meal. Nothing exciting, but definitely had some sweets.
Today at work I completed my first eval that was 100% my own. It was a 16 year old boy with neck, shoulder, low back, and shin pain. Oh and hamstring tightness. Way to not be complicated, kid. But I did great and was feeling awesome, until I pissed some girl off and she refused to work with me. Ha. She was there for back pain (surprise surprise..) and hadn't shown up to the past 2-3 appointments, doesn't do any of her home program, and won't work with any other therapist. She's a huge complainer of pain and anytime something "hurts" she quits. So I bring her back and am being super wonderful, as usual, and we start going to my favorite machine - the elliptical - (if you don't know me.. that's sarcasm. I absolutely hate the elliptical with every fiber of my body and think it's the most ridiculous, dumb machine ever.. but that's another story) and she goes.. Oh I sprained my ankle this weekend. So I was like okay, how did you do that? Checked it out, no swelling, no bruising, she can't even tell me which way she rolled it, but the second I touch it she cries. So I was like, well does walking hurt it? No not unless I step on it wrong. Alright well why don't we try the elliptical anyway and see how you do and if it hurts we can stop. She gives me the DIRTIEST LOOK ever and says, my ankle is swollen, I cannot do that, anybody can tell it's way more swollen than the other one. I ask to see both ankles, she pulls up her pant legs... umm what? Is one swollen? No. She doesn't even have cankles that could confuse me. So I say.. which one is swollen? And she yells (exaggeration.. but her tone did get sassy) I am a nurse! My ankle is swollen, I can not do that! Fine. Go sit down and I'll get my CI.
That girl's an idiot. And a whiner. And I'm sorry I don't feel bad for you in the slightest and you are never going to get better. My CI told her that too.. because she won't. Some people. Oh, but surprisingly (to some of you.. I'm really nice to my patients though, promise) my CI told me that I did a great job today being compassionate and supportive of this lady who was so discouraged because she couldn't lift her arm past 90 degrees flexion. I had her back and gave her one of my infamous pep talks and viola, I'm one hell of a compassionate PT student. Shocked? Probably..
So, I stayed late tonight at work to get my eval and discharge paperwork done for 3 patients, and hit the gym a bit later tonight. I did legs. Holy Quads.
Leg Press
DB Squats
Hamstring Curls
Squat Jumps with a Med Ball
Yup, they were burning. Then I thought it would be a good idea to do my 2nd day of cardio for the week. Incline 15.0 this time, and dropped the speed between 2.8-3.0. My calves tightened up in a hot second. But I finished it.. counting down the seconds, literally.. and that was it. So now it's 10 pm and I still have 1 more meal to eat. Then tomorrow I have a workout or two to do, and I'm headed back to Davidson to relax, house sit, dog sit, and take out the boat/kayak. What a wonderful life. I could get used to not working Wednesdays, with half days Monday and Friday. :) Luxurious .. (that took me about 16 attempts to spell.. slightly ashamed but really, I'm not)
Hope you all had a wonderful celebration of America yesterday, and have an even greater conclusion of your week. And remember, if all you do is bitch and make excuses you'll never get anywhere. One of my famous things I read somewhere: "What is your excuse for not working out/eating right/whatever? Because that's all it is, an excuse." Okay so that's not really a quote if I don't remember what it said.. but you get the idea. Stop making excuses and start being awesome. What little change did you choose to make this first week of July? Is it going well? If yes, build on it. If not, reassess and figure out what's hindering your progress and maybe tackle that problem instead. You can do it. You may not be successful 100% of the time, but as long as you keep at it, eventually you will be successful, and it will no longer be a "problem". Go after it people.
Catch ya on the flip side!
Tricep Bench
Standing Cable Curls
Seated Hammer Curls
Single Arm Tri Cable Extension
Preacher Curls
Plank Roll Outs
Stability Ball Crunches
So since I was there so early, I was one of maybe 6 people in the gym. During my 3rd set of dips, I had 140# stacked on my lap and when I went down on the first rep the top 95# slid back and pinch some of my skin/fat between the plates.. awesome. So I thought about asking for help from a nearby guy, but instead I just wimpered to myself and leaned back until my skin pinched itself out. It hurt like a bitch. And turned a pretty bluish almost immediately..
When I got to Davidson, my Unc is training for a triathalon, so he wanted to swim in the open water for some practice, and I kayaked along side him. It was great.. paddled a few times.. floated around.. paddled to avoid running him over.. floated. Then we all went out on the boat on Lake Norman and I decided I'd forego the sun block in favor of getting all my summer tanning in in that one afternoon, and I am now a nice red, with a tint of bronze. Luckily this red covered up my blue belly pinching bruise.. otherwise I'd be as red-white-and-blue as the wonderful American Flag.. and every other red white and blue flag that is of little importance to me.
Our Fourth concluded with a nice dinner with some of their friends and extended family, and then fireworks on the lake. It was perfect and I had such a wonderful time. Until I got lost in Greensboro at 11:45pm and wanted to smash something ha. But I didn't and I slept in this am until 7:05! It was AMAZING! And I got my 7 hours of sleep in :) I did eat healthy MOST of yesterday, and the rest constituted my 3rd cheat meal. Nothing exciting, but definitely had some sweets.
Today at work I completed my first eval that was 100% my own. It was a 16 year old boy with neck, shoulder, low back, and shin pain. Oh and hamstring tightness. Way to not be complicated, kid. But I did great and was feeling awesome, until I pissed some girl off and she refused to work with me. Ha. She was there for back pain (surprise surprise..) and hadn't shown up to the past 2-3 appointments, doesn't do any of her home program, and won't work with any other therapist. She's a huge complainer of pain and anytime something "hurts" she quits. So I bring her back and am being super wonderful, as usual, and we start going to my favorite machine - the elliptical - (if you don't know me.. that's sarcasm. I absolutely hate the elliptical with every fiber of my body and think it's the most ridiculous, dumb machine ever.. but that's another story) and she goes.. Oh I sprained my ankle this weekend. So I was like okay, how did you do that? Checked it out, no swelling, no bruising, she can't even tell me which way she rolled it, but the second I touch it she cries. So I was like, well does walking hurt it? No not unless I step on it wrong. Alright well why don't we try the elliptical anyway and see how you do and if it hurts we can stop. She gives me the DIRTIEST LOOK ever and says, my ankle is swollen, I cannot do that, anybody can tell it's way more swollen than the other one. I ask to see both ankles, she pulls up her pant legs... umm what? Is one swollen? No. She doesn't even have cankles that could confuse me. So I say.. which one is swollen? And she yells (exaggeration.. but her tone did get sassy) I am a nurse! My ankle is swollen, I can not do that! Fine. Go sit down and I'll get my CI.
That girl's an idiot. And a whiner. And I'm sorry I don't feel bad for you in the slightest and you are never going to get better. My CI told her that too.. because she won't. Some people. Oh, but surprisingly (to some of you.. I'm really nice to my patients though, promise) my CI told me that I did a great job today being compassionate and supportive of this lady who was so discouraged because she couldn't lift her arm past 90 degrees flexion. I had her back and gave her one of my infamous pep talks and viola, I'm one hell of a compassionate PT student. Shocked? Probably..
So, I stayed late tonight at work to get my eval and discharge paperwork done for 3 patients, and hit the gym a bit later tonight. I did legs. Holy Quads.
Leg Press
DB Squats
Hamstring Curls
Squat Jumps with a Med Ball
Yup, they were burning. Then I thought it would be a good idea to do my 2nd day of cardio for the week. Incline 15.0 this time, and dropped the speed between 2.8-3.0. My calves tightened up in a hot second. But I finished it.. counting down the seconds, literally.. and that was it. So now it's 10 pm and I still have 1 more meal to eat. Then tomorrow I have a workout or two to do, and I'm headed back to Davidson to relax, house sit, dog sit, and take out the boat/kayak. What a wonderful life. I could get used to not working Wednesdays, with half days Monday and Friday. :) Luxurious .. (that took me about 16 attempts to spell.. slightly ashamed but really, I'm not)
Hope you all had a wonderful celebration of America yesterday, and have an even greater conclusion of your week. And remember, if all you do is bitch and make excuses you'll never get anywhere. One of my famous things I read somewhere: "What is your excuse for not working out/eating right/whatever? Because that's all it is, an excuse." Okay so that's not really a quote if I don't remember what it said.. but you get the idea. Stop making excuses and start being awesome. What little change did you choose to make this first week of July? Is it going well? If yes, build on it. If not, reassess and figure out what's hindering your progress and maybe tackle that problem instead. You can do it. You may not be successful 100% of the time, but as long as you keep at it, eventually you will be successful, and it will no longer be a "problem". Go after it people.
Catch ya on the flip side!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Bugs Don't Stand No Chance!
I am a master bug killer. Not just any bugs, I mean like flying bugs. At my sister's wedding in Napa, I killed 20 some flys hanging around the house on my first swat (I know you remember this Mare). At dinner tonight, I impressed Ceej by killing some little fruit fly or something with my finger. I rock. Maybe I should be an exterminator. It's always good to have backups...
First two days of July were a definite success with my resolutions! Well, I suppose today isn't over. I still have 26g carbs and 10g protein to get in, but for the most part, success :) Ceej and I made some stir fry for dinner tonight.. DELICIOUS. I had ground turkey with jalepeno, and she had mushy tofu. Then we sauted some carrots, green pepper, broccoli, zucchini, and squash in a tablespoon of Ginger Soy Sauce. A HUMONGOUS plate full was only 15.38g carbs, 2.55g fat and 43.89g protein. How awesome is that? And I have leftover veggies for at least 1 more meal and enough meat to last me .. well at the rate I eat meat .. 2 days max. But still. Awesome. I went to the gym today, too, and did 30 minutes of walking at an incline (14.0) at 3.0-3.2 mph. HR was around 148, and by looking at how sweaty my shirt is you would've thought I did jumping jacks for an hour in a sauna wearing a sweatsuit. Preferably a neon green and hot pink sweatsuit.. but that part is up for debate.
Tomorrow is day 1 of the new split. I have back and delts, lifting heavy weight and low(er) reps. A few new exercises but for the most part they are familiar.. just in a different order or position. Gotta keep the body on its A-Game. :)
Well, that's that. Have a great night, I gotta get to bed if I want to go 3 for 3!
First two days of July were a definite success with my resolutions! Well, I suppose today isn't over. I still have 26g carbs and 10g protein to get in, but for the most part, success :) Ceej and I made some stir fry for dinner tonight.. DELICIOUS. I had ground turkey with jalepeno, and she had mushy tofu. Then we sauted some carrots, green pepper, broccoli, zucchini, and squash in a tablespoon of Ginger Soy Sauce. A HUMONGOUS plate full was only 15.38g carbs, 2.55g fat and 43.89g protein. How awesome is that? And I have leftover veggies for at least 1 more meal and enough meat to last me .. well at the rate I eat meat .. 2 days max. But still. Awesome. I went to the gym today, too, and did 30 minutes of walking at an incline (14.0) at 3.0-3.2 mph. HR was around 148, and by looking at how sweaty my shirt is you would've thought I did jumping jacks for an hour in a sauna wearing a sweatsuit. Preferably a neon green and hot pink sweatsuit.. but that part is up for debate.
Tomorrow is day 1 of the new split. I have back and delts, lifting heavy weight and low(er) reps. A few new exercises but for the most part they are familiar.. just in a different order or position. Gotta keep the body on its A-Game. :)
Well, that's that. Have a great night, I gotta get to bed if I want to go 3 for 3!
July Resolution
It's July first and my half birthday! Yahoo! Today also is the day to make a new resolution.
It's 6 months past new years.. how many of you still are going strong on your new year's resolutions? None? How many of you still even consciously think about what you wanted to do/change? Maybe 1 or 2 of you is my guess. I think new year's resolutions are stupid for this reason. People make huge resolutions that they simply can't keep because it's too drastic of a change all at once. So this year I decided I would make monthly resolutions on the first of every month. This way, I only have to really focus on 1 SMALL change at a time, and by the time the month is up, hopefully its a habit, or near-habit, and I will be able to focus on something else. January was as easy as writing down what I ate.. not counting calories, measuring anything even, just writing it down to become more conscious of it. And guess what, I still write everything down, and I now eat healthy. So far my resolutions have had to do with my health, Bliz, or school, because those are the main focuses of my life right now. But school is out until the end of August, I won't have Bliz for 6 more weeks, so that leaves me with my health for my resolution. I'm going to make two resolutions for July, because I feel like there are a few things I can still work on. First, I want to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. You all may think this is a cop out for me, but lately I've been staying up until nearly 12 and waking up between 430 and 530 during the week and have been so exhausted. I'm not going to say go to bed by 10, because I want to be able to go hang out on the weekends, and if I work I know I'll stay up way past then, so I'm leaving it unrestricted except that I want 7 consecutive quality hours of sleep. Second, I want to refocus on my nutrition, especially because I'm assuming it is going to get more challenging for me these next few months and so I want to really have control before that sets in. So my plan is to plan the day out the night before or the morning of, during breakfast. That way I will already know what I am allowed to eat that day and am less likely to waiver. And I want to STICK with what I write - no add ins. If on Thursday, I am really craving peanut butter, I'm not going to have it, but I'll plan it in to my meals for Friday. This way I'm not depriving myself, but I'm also not going to mess up my day and go over on any of my macros. I also want to focus on being within 5g of everything and to keep it more consistent. Easy enough. What do you want to change? Take it 1 month at a time, or just 1 week at a time, and really dedicate yourself to that goal for that short period, and you'll be surprised at how easily you can accomplish anything you want.
I took my progress pictures, and although I didn't notice much of a difference, Meredith did, which is good. A lot of it is just because I have no idea what I'm doing now when I'm posing hah! That'll come later. Nutrition isn't changing for 2 more weeks--I even get another cheat meal this week--but workout splits changed. I have Back/Delts, Bis/Tris/Core, Legs, Back/Delts, and Chest/Core. Sounds good to me. I also am adding in some light cardio. HR below 150.. so nothing too crazy, don't worry.
Make some goals, stick with them, and make the most of your week!
It's 6 months past new years.. how many of you still are going strong on your new year's resolutions? None? How many of you still even consciously think about what you wanted to do/change? Maybe 1 or 2 of you is my guess. I think new year's resolutions are stupid for this reason. People make huge resolutions that they simply can't keep because it's too drastic of a change all at once. So this year I decided I would make monthly resolutions on the first of every month. This way, I only have to really focus on 1 SMALL change at a time, and by the time the month is up, hopefully its a habit, or near-habit, and I will be able to focus on something else. January was as easy as writing down what I ate.. not counting calories, measuring anything even, just writing it down to become more conscious of it. And guess what, I still write everything down, and I now eat healthy. So far my resolutions have had to do with my health, Bliz, or school, because those are the main focuses of my life right now. But school is out until the end of August, I won't have Bliz for 6 more weeks, so that leaves me with my health for my resolution. I'm going to make two resolutions for July, because I feel like there are a few things I can still work on. First, I want to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. You all may think this is a cop out for me, but lately I've been staying up until nearly 12 and waking up between 430 and 530 during the week and have been so exhausted. I'm not going to say go to bed by 10, because I want to be able to go hang out on the weekends, and if I work I know I'll stay up way past then, so I'm leaving it unrestricted except that I want 7 consecutive quality hours of sleep. Second, I want to refocus on my nutrition, especially because I'm assuming it is going to get more challenging for me these next few months and so I want to really have control before that sets in. So my plan is to plan the day out the night before or the morning of, during breakfast. That way I will already know what I am allowed to eat that day and am less likely to waiver. And I want to STICK with what I write - no add ins. If on Thursday, I am really craving peanut butter, I'm not going to have it, but I'll plan it in to my meals for Friday. This way I'm not depriving myself, but I'm also not going to mess up my day and go over on any of my macros. I also want to focus on being within 5g of everything and to keep it more consistent. Easy enough. What do you want to change? Take it 1 month at a time, or just 1 week at a time, and really dedicate yourself to that goal for that short period, and you'll be surprised at how easily you can accomplish anything you want.
I took my progress pictures, and although I didn't notice much of a difference, Meredith did, which is good. A lot of it is just because I have no idea what I'm doing now when I'm posing hah! That'll come later. Nutrition isn't changing for 2 more weeks--I even get another cheat meal this week--but workout splits changed. I have Back/Delts, Bis/Tris/Core, Legs, Back/Delts, and Chest/Core. Sounds good to me. I also am adding in some light cardio. HR below 150.. so nothing too crazy, don't worry.
Make some goals, stick with them, and make the most of your week!
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