Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Birthday Cramps!

Happy happy birthday to my first roommate and one of my greatest sisters, Joan! I'm so lucky to have her in my life and to have such a wonderful family and support system. They are the greatest!

I love that it's October. I love fall. I am ready for snow though. Might have to spend some time this winter up north to get my fix, last year was a disappointment. I think it snowed one night, but it didn't stick. Extremely lame.

I have spent all of today so far finding new recipes and organizing my recipe notebook. I can't wait to start cooking different things. I found a number of delicious chicken recipes I will knock out these next few weeks and then I'm going to go on a cooking streak. They are all healthy too, which is wonderful.

Besides that, all I've done today is workout (oh and I worked this morning at 6 but that's not important.. besides the income it gives me so that I can pay to compete/train/eat.. maybe it's a little important :) ) and pose. My workout was great (awful). I think I cursed Meredith's name a couple time during the legs. I love it though. I kicked my ass. When I went to walk upstairs to the group fitness rooms to pose, I was waddling. Seriously. I could hardly get off the weight floor. It was ridiculous and awesome at the same time.  But then! when I finally got my heels on (yes that left one is still tricky) and stood up, I got a MASSIVE cramp in my left calf. I sat down immediately and tried to rub it out. No such luck. It stayed contracted - hard as a rock - for about 5 minutes while I just sat there holding it, cursing. You could see the tendon even. It was pretty awesome though, the muscle looked great, just painful. The rest of my posing was great except for the occasional (minor) calf cramps but now I feel like they are both knotted up and they are hurting. I guess I'll have to give myself a nice little massage tonight after cardio.


  1. Cramps?! Boooo! I really really strugle with cramping. I take mineral electrolytes year round not to help. It's helped me quiet a bit. :)

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to try this! It hasn't been too bad, sometimes my arches but it was just this one day that it was brutal! Part of the package, I suppose :)
