Man, summer school really has caused my blog stats to sky rocket :)
So I have started to look for competition suits. At first when I was looking at them, I almost VIMM (Vommed in my mouth. It's going to start catching on, I can feel it) at all the glitter and gems. And at the price. It's like the less it covers the more you pay. Perfect. But the more I look at them, they sparkle grows on me. It's like I get to be a princess for a day. A barely-clad, painted brown, walking in clear stripper heels princess. Pretty, right? That's why they need the sparkles. Or that's my theory. Anyway, it's been suggested that I wear a shade of blue because of my skin/hair color, which is nice since I like blue. But I've found a couple I'm thinking about and you all should feel free to vote.
This might be my least favorite because of the different shades of blue-black, BUT I do like the design and clasp in the center. And the strings get cut off once it has been fitted.
This might be my favorite, but it might be the color too. They are all starting to look the same.
I didn't notice until now, but also looks a lot like 1 and 5. Just with glitter. Yay glitter :)
Okay I take it back, this might be my favorite. I love the purple (or eggplant.. whatever) And I like the pink gems added to it.
Similar design to the first, not a fan of the center clasp.
Thoughts? Feel free to share them haha.
Today was Day One of my training. Not to different then what I've been doing, just different splits. Today was Back and Core and CJ joined me! She did great.. might have been the only person with an ear-to-ear grin on her face the whole time, but otherwise she fit right in :) We did
Assisted Pull Ups
Bent Over BB Rows
Narrow Grip Lat Pulldowns
Single Arm DB Row
V Sits on a bench
Stability Ball crunches
It was a really great workout. I focused on the rest time, keeping it to 90 sec between sets, and focused on making sure that last rep was the last one I could do. I increased my DB rows to 55#. Pretty awesome. I love back workouts and I can't wait for it to start filling out!
So, Saturday, I was talking to this guy who was telling me that when he starts working out, he goes Balls to the wall (that saying is old.. let's quit saying it. No ones balls are actually going towards a wall. At least I hope not) and then he is so sore the next day, he quits. I think this is true for a lot of people who were athletes at one point, or at least fit. They think that even though they haven't worked out in 1, 5, 10 years, they should just be able to pick up where they left off. No. Not the case. You should still lift heavy, and work hard, but work your way up. And YOU WILL BE SORE! I'm sore every day. If I'm not, I didn't work hard enough and I increase weight in every single exercise for the next week. Your body will continually adjust and get stronger, so what you are doing on Day 1 will be too easy on Day 30. You need to continually increase your weight or reps, or rearrange your workout, so that your body has to continue to grow and work hard. Otherwise that hour you spent in the gym could've been put to better use cleaning out your house/garage/yard whatever. Don't waste your time by lifting light weights.
His second excuse was that he always had to start something on a Monday. (Okay, weird but fine) And if he was doing well and say, Thursday, missed a workout or ate crappy, he would continue to skip workouts and eat crappy until the next Monday. Okay what the hell. Where did that logic come from? When you make a mistake in life, do you continue to make mistakes the rest of the week until the next Monday rolls around and you can try again? Or do you learn from your mistake and nut up and work harder the rest of the week? If you didn't agree with the second option, you should probably fired from your job, get kicked out of school, and just be a bum for the rest of your life. Because that's the path you are headed down. That and becoming obese. When you make a mistake, accept it as that, just a mistake! Acknowledge it, and move on. If you have one bad meal, forgive yourself, and make the rest of the day right. Eat healthy the rest of the day, and that one meal won't do damage on your body. If you continue to eat poorly, you've probably consumed an extra 600-700 calories. One pound of fat is 3500 calories. So let's call it 700 extra calories, make the math simple. 5 days of this bad behavior is another pound you aren't going to lose. If you go out 2 nights a week - drink a lot, eat late night, and eat poorly - that's about 21# of extra fat you just gained in a year. That 1 hour workout you're doing is now pointless. You say, I just worked my ass off in the gym for 1 hour! Congratulations, what are you doing with the other 23 hours? If you aren't eating right and you aren't getting enough sleep, your gym time isn't doing what you would hope it is doing. I'm not saying don't do it. But I think the more important thing to focus on is nutrition.
His logic is flawed. But the sad thing is I know he's not alone in that thinking.
Well I'm off to start my cooking for the night. Going to experiment with sweet potatoes.. I don't know why, they might be the one healthy thing I just don't like. Oh well, maybe I'll figure something amazing out :)
Tomorrow, I get to go pee in a cup (drug test) and then I'll be hitting Shoulders and Triceps. Get ready for Wednesday. If you didn't start the week off on the right foot, make changes NOW and better prepare yourself for tomorrow! Later people!
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