Ten o'clock and just finishing dinner? Not okay. Today has just seemed so long! Workout today was Legs Legs Legs. I love it. But I also haven't lifted legs in almost 5 weeks, maybe even 6, because of hurting my ankle, and so today was rough. I had to drop weight on almost every exercise, and that is NOT something I'm okay with, ever. Yes I know, it's been over a month, my weight is going to go down. And yes, I know, that I was doing reps up to 20 today, as opposed to sets of 6-10, so logically I'm not going to be able to do 4 sets of leg presses at 400# still. But even though logic supports my weight decrease, I was frustrated. Regardless, Ceej and I got through it. And if I can't sit down to pee tomorrow, all the better. I just won't drink any water. Haha, yeah right. I go 20 minutes without water and my body basically says, What the f, Susie!
Prone HS Curls
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Yup. Felt great. My legs were pushed to the max. Reps are high on this workout since, well lets be honest, my legs are pretty big. I need to get proportional. Tonight at work (yup, this girl got a job! And a job interview for Tuesday!) I had 4 comments/questions about having nice "thick" thighs. What sport do you play? Are you a gymnast? You have great legs. Yes, thank you. These compliments always seem to come when I work at a bar. Must be the booze getting to them. I have always worked at bars, and honestly I do not mind the regulars. But it was so weird being there today smelling fried food and beer, and knowing I wouldn't be eating/drinking there for the next 6 months. Not that I was interested or craved it, but it was just weird. It's weird to tell a complete stranger, My sport? Well, I basically want to be a bodybuilder. hah maybe I'll try that out on my next shift. See what I get in response.
Completely random, but funny gym story. So the SRC is crawling with creeps. I have had way to many guys come up to me and try to ask for pointers, offer advice, ask for my number before they even ask for my name.. that's definitely not getting you anywhere fast, buddy. But anyway there was this one guy who chatted me up one day after my workout, ran up to catch me before I left. Weird but okay. So he wanted to be workout partners. Let me clear this up once and for all. I do not work out with people. I do not want a workout partner. I do not want someone telling me what to do, and I do not want someone critiquing what I do. I research the things I do, I seek help when I need it, your unsolicited help is exactly that, unsolicited. If I do have someone working out with me, that's fine. I love helping people learn about fitness and give people a start in the gym and increase their confidence. But if you are going to do my workouts, then do them. Don't question everything I do, don't tell me we shouldn't be doing a certain exercise. If you don't want to do them, then don't work out with me! Simple as that. (Okay back on track, Sus) So, because I have a hard time lying, I gave him my number (that gets me in to trouble.. I had a 45-50 year old stalker last year. Not even kidding. I couldn't go home for a week, or go outside by myself for a month. I should learn to say no, never took DARE though, and I think they are related). So the next time I saw him at the gym, he was with 2 girls, thicky-thick girls. (Nothing wrong with that) And he was teaching them exercises and what not, rearranged all the benches, and gets on the back extension bench and HE IS WEARING A THONG. Not kidding. Cool if you want to do that (I guess. I think it's weird, but go ahead) but don't let it stick out! And then he starts making out with one of the girls and grabbing her ass, in front of the mirror. SERIOUSLY?! Gross. THEN once she walks away, he comes up to me and says, Sorry I haven't texted you yet - lalala (I forgot what else). Okay, that was pre-injury. I just saw him yesterday with CJ. After my workout, again, he came up to catch me before I could leave. Hey! Sorry I haven't texted you. Kelsey? Katie? What's your name? Susie. Oh right, well you're looking good! Uh.. ya you too. Thanks! I've lost like 10 pounds but I need to start putting in some more fun crazy cardio that you were doing that one time. Oh. I don't do cardio anymore. I'm trying to bulk up a bit. Oh, I can help you out with that! I started my consulting back up! No. That's okay I know what I'm doing. Well, let me see if I still have your number.. Ya, I'll text you my name. See ya later. (I walk away)
Why do people think I'm interested? Boys are clueless. I'm going to need to switch gyms pretty soon, it's getting ridiculous. Well people, enjoy the start to your weekend. Tomorrow is Chest and Core. Gotta get those mirror-muscles lookin' good! Adios!
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