I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated with myself and it's a hard pill to swallow. Sure I could point fingers and place blame elsewhere, My friends had a wedding and it wasn't buffet style so I didn't have an option what to eat, my dad wants to go out to eat to spend time with me, my friends want to go out and socialize because we haven't seen each other in about a year. It's not my fault my nutrition hasn't been spot on, I'm on vacation, it's not my house, I can't control what I put in my mouth. Wait.. what? It's 100% my fault. And that is difficult to admit. Now don't think I've gone balls to the walls with my diet. I haven't drank, I haven't been eating crap all day. I just haven't been PERFECT. And I know, you should strive for progress, not perfection.. but when I have such a specific goal and body I am training for, and when I have a specific date I need to get there by, progress isn't good enough. In fact, this isn't progress, I was being perfect, this is a step backwards. My meals will be perfect, there will just be some THING every day that is throwing the perfection off. Like yesterday, I ate too many almonds and my fats were too high. The day before, I had a cinnamon roll because my dad bought them as a nice surprise and I felt guilty not eating one (and let's be honest, I wanted it and it was a moment of weakness). But then Sunday and Monday morning, I FELT LIKE CRAP. My stomach hurt, I was gassy, and just felt lazy and guilty and it was awful. And it just made me crave more! If you are eating something that truly satisfies you, you shouldn't crave MORE FOOD after you eat it. You should feel content. I've been weak and need to bring my goals to the front of my mind. So the rest of this week, my posts will be purely motivational-encouraging-and all about achieving dreams, because that's what I'm setting out to do.
Your mind is a big factor in achieving your goals. It's typically not that people - including me right now - lack motivation. Motivation is wanting to do something, talking about it, seeking help, writing down your goals and plans. Your mind encourages motivation. What most people need, what I've been needing this week, is follow-through. You have a goal, you have something you want to do. You tell yourself you are going to the gym at 5:30 am, you tell yourself you are going eat perfectly today... and then you don't. Your mind gets in the way. It tells you, I'm too tired, I won't get a good workout this early anyway, I'll go later. This cookie isn't going to throw the whole day off. If I don't hit my numbers, I'll just do it tomorrow. No. Don't give in. Don't lose the battle to yourself. I'm sure you've all seen those motivational pictures on facebook that say Your biggest enemy is yourself. Well, it's 100% true. If someone else tells you you can't do something, it motivates you to do it. People are competitive by nature and want to prove nay-sayers wrong. But when that nay-sayer is yourself? It's hard not to give in and believe yourself. But don't give in. Get to the gym before your mind knows what you are doing. Start cooking before your mind can tell you you'd rather have Chipotle. Don't think about it as giving something up, about the things you can't do, the things you can't eat. Think instead about the things this lifestyle gives you and the joy the success brings. When your mind changes, so will your body.
If you believe enough in the process and end result, success will come to you. You just have to see it through. Jump in head first and start swimming. Be dedicated. Work hard. And you will be good at what you are going for. Take it as far as your imagination holds. Dedicate every breath to that goal. Be the absolute best, and don't settle for any reason.
Now, I'm off to the gym for my second workout of the week. Bis, Tris, and Core .. and I will be sore tomorrow.
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