Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Comfortable in Your Skin

Take a big breath in, then blow hard and fast. Hah. That's what my teacher just said. Yes, I have the mind and humor of a 10-year old boy. I'm okay with that.

So, now that I don't drink, or eat out, and go to bed at 9:30 (okay that hasn't changed for years..) I've realized that I don't really have a social life. And I'm okay with that. I like myself, and I like spending time by myself. I'm funny and awesome. I can't imagine what it would be like to be some of you and have to hang out alone, that would be torturous. Just kidding. Sort of. Anyway, I think a lot of people really just hate being alone. And when you are in your 20s, I think its easy to get caught up and think you always have to be doing something or be with people. But some days, your friends are going to be busy, your dog is on vacation (story of my summer), your parents didn't invite you over for dinner and to do your laundry, and basically you have no one to hang out with and nothing to do. Don't just sit on the couch and watch TV, you'll get fat and have nothing of interest to really talk about when someone decides they do want your company. So here are 10 things you can do when you are by yourself.

1. Clean your shower. And your toilet.

Boy's apartments/houses/whatever they live in are disgusting. Clean your shower. You have nothing better to do. Be productive and scrub that tub ring out of there. Spray and wipe down the tiles, and clean your shower curtain liner. AND clean up all of that disgusting hair. When I go to someone's house and use their bathroom, if I see hair in their shower, I'm automatically disgusted at them in every way and want to leave ASAP. And you all know how I feel about public toilets, well yours is even more disgusting. Didn't your dad every make you put toilet paper down on a public seat before you sat? Well those toilets are cleaned way more often then any of yours. Clean your toilet weekly, you dirty people!

2. Read a book. 

As I'm adding periods to the end of every item on this list, I'm thinking of you Lauren, and how we don't think lists deserve periods. But today, they do. Anyway. You should always be reading a book. Before bed, read, don't facebook, don't watch TV. You'll get smarter and sleepier. Win-win. Also, you will have something to add to that conversation when someone decides to hang out with you. Because honestly, how long can you talk about what Christi said to Abby Lee last night on Dance Moms?

3. Bake or Cook something.

Even if you think you can't. Find a recipe. Go buy the ingredients. Follow the directions. And just do it! It is rewarding, and fun, and hey, you now have something else to do. Eat.

4. Pluck your eyebrows.

Or shave (boys you too). Just make yourself pretty. It's called grooming. Do it.

5. Say nice things to your friends.

People are mean. Don't be mean to your friends. Let them know how much they mean to you and that you care about them. Call those friends that live far away and catch up. If they are local and you say nice things to them, maybe they'll be more likely to want to hang out with you and you won't have to follow this list again next week!

6. Call your grandparents.

Better yet, write them a letter. Grandparents love that sort of thing. And they love to know you care. You do care, don't you?

7. Buy yourself flowers.

No one else is. So when you go to the store, pick up some cheap, pretty flowers, put them in a vase and just sit there and smell them. They'll make you happy. And every time you walk in the door you'll have something pretty to see, it's a great pick-me-up.

8. Do every last load of laundry you have.

Yes, pick up the clothes off of your floor, out of your laundry basket. Even those jeans you only wore a few times and they are still "clean". Wash them. Iron your clothes. Put them away. You'll feel much better tomorrow having it crossed off your to-do list and putting on something that doesn't smell like the outdoors, or a restaurant, or just you (I'm talking like gross body-ness you, not that great perfume you spray on everything. Yuck)

9. Clean out your refrigerator.

Throw away old food and left overs. Throw out the crap that you shouldn't be eating anymore. Wipe down the door and shelves and drawers. Clean your microwave while you are at it. You'll be healthier, and you'll be happy you did it when you move out and it's not disgusting and an hour long task.

10. Do nothing.

That's right. Nothing. Sit down and just be happy being you. Relax. Wear pants, don't wear pants. Take naps. Wrap yourself in your comforter and lay on the floor watching a movie, even though you have a perfectly good couch. Enjoy your own company. Learn about yourself. If you don't, no one else will. Be comfortable being who you are, you should be comfortable going to eat by yourself, and going to the movies by yourself, but really you should just be comfortable hanging out with yourself. Take the time to relax and re-energize and to just be YOU.

oo thought of another one.

11. Try out a new hairstyle.

Find a youtube video. Learn how to braid your hair. Or just cut it. If it looks bad, you can just go back to putting it in a pony tail! Just be sure to only cut a little bit, so that in case you mess up and it looks bad, someone else can fix it.

Alright. That's my list. The week is half over, so you only have 3 days to get as many of these things checked off. And I expect you to report back to me and let me know how it went. Sorry fellas, my list doesn't work quite as well for you, but you can still do some. Or make your own list, I'm not your mothers.

So after writing this book, I have yet to talk about my workout. And since that's the purpose of this blog, I should probably get on that. Today, I had shoulders and triceps. Minus the shoulders, this is one of my favorite days. I love pumping triceps. Maybe that's why I am so good at pushing people over in soccer. Maybe.

·      Standing BB Press
·      Seated Arnold Press
·      Front Plate Raise
·      Lateral Raises
·      Bench Dips
·      Superset Triceps Cable OH Extensions and Pulldowns
·      Pushups

Love it. We increased weight on almost every single lift today, and that is my goal with lifting. Push hard, increase reps or increase weight! Also, my shoulder (that dumb old injury) didn't hurt at all during today's workout, and last week this workout kind of killed it. So I was pretty happy about that!

Last thought. You guys ever have a full mouth of food and then feel the serious need to cough? That just happened to me. It's an awful Chew as fast as you can, but not so fast that you choke, so you can cough sort of feeling and it stresses me out. I'll probably take the next five minutes off from eating. Lies. I already took another bite. Oh. And I think I'm catching a cold. Awesome. It's June and the girl with the world's weakest immune system is sick yet again.


  1. Due to the close proximity to you that I was sitting while you wrote this I am glad you decided not to cough out a mouth full of food. That would have been bad. Btw, I'm going to add an amendment to your list:

    1a: Replace your toilet paper roll. Don't just put it on the back of the toilet while its predecessor sits on the wall, unusable.

    I see this all of the time.

  2. i can 100% see why you & Daniel are friends :)

  3. I personally think you should share some items of this list with your former and my current roomie. She'd appreciate the assistance :)
