We then went down the street to Cheesecakes by Alex and between the 8 of us ordered 6 pieces of cheesecake.. Apple Pie, Peanut Butter Cup, Mint Chocolate Chip, Banana Fosters, Chocolate Swirl, and Kahlua Espresso. I am pretty sure I ate one by myself. Yikes.

And then we came back to my house and I had made CJ my mom's chocolate roll cake and filled it with mint chocolate chip ice cream. It was delicious. And now I feel like a mammoth. Whatever.. I was told to cheat and I listened :)
I hope you can read these bumper stickers we saw, because they are pretty great..
This week has been so exhausting. I am basically doing evals completely by myself, and planning and executing everyone's training programs. I had a lady collapse on me while she was on the BOSU, but I caught her, and we got her to a chair, luckily the gym was pretty empty so there were people around to help. Then I had a couple 5:30am gym sessions.. not typically a big deal, but when I get to bed at 11, wake up at 4:30, and have to work until 6.. I'm pretty exhausted. I don't know how you real-lifers do it!
I missed my workout yesterday because I slept in until 5:45, so today I went to the gym before I left Greensboro and did legs. I got to lift lower reps and heavier today, which was AWESOME! I love heavy leg days. Walked out of the gym a little wobbly and it was great :)
Leg Press
Seated HS Curl
Leg Extensions
Lunge Jumps holding a Med Ball overhead
Then, I went back to Chapel Hill and the good 'ol SRC to work Chest and Core! That workout was great too. Low reps, heavy weight. PR'd on everything and felt good. My shoulder pain has gone down to more of a pinching in the muscle along my scapula.. so it's not as bad. I was heavy enough that I was concerned with the stability of my right shoulder, and my left arm was shaking I thought it would give out too. Perfect :)
DB Press
Incline DB Press
Incline Flyes
Superset Decline Abs and Russian Twists
Roman Chairs
Well, tomorrow is my last workout to bulk. It's also my 33rd day of training. I'll try on my suit tomorrow, and take my progress pictures to send on to Meredith. Hopefully I'm in okay condition to commit to the competition in November, but after that cheat meal... who really knows :)
This post made me hungry. I also think you made the roll cake pretty amazingly! I'm impressed. How many times did you mess up the first three steps :) Or did you just know how to do it after watching my skilled work for Anne's bday?