Have y'all ever seen Secret Life of an American Teenager? Well, it might just be the most ridiculous show ever. This whole 45 minutes that I just wasted of my life was about people being gay and about the fourth of July being a gay holiday. And about high school students telling rumors, and getting married, and having babies. It's awful, truly awful, which is the reason I continue to watch it.
Anyways, my day of rest, was nice. But I felt very unproductive. I went to the pool and laid out for a little bit, then got too hot, so I left. I'm like a 10 year old with my attention span when it comes to relaxing and laying out. It's not going to happen. And that 5# of chicken I made last night.. is about half gone. Awesome. It was hard to get my protein in today without a PWO smoothie. I added some protein to oatmeal, not going to do that again. I just didn't like the taste of it. Way too sweet. I also had an interesting conversation with my sister, and it really gave me something to think about.
I was saying how I had already hit my carbs for the day, (it was like 4:00pm) and that I was hungry but all I could have was chicken and eggs, because there is little else with no carbs in it. And she asked why I couldn't just go over by a couple grams. I tried to tell her that I couldn't because this is still the first week, and if I give in now by just a couple of grams, I'll keep giving in, and eventually I won't reach my goals because I didn't hold myself accountable for it. If I really got on that stage, knowing I didn't give it everything I had during these months of preparation, I'd be very disappointed in myself. What's the point of competing if you aren't going to put forth the effort to try and win? But then she said, You are doing this for fun. This isn't your job. This isn't something you have to do. Nothing bad is going to happen. It should be fun, you should enjoy it. And I agree. I had nothing to say, because I do agree. So now I don't know how I feel about everything. Competing IS my goal and it is something I want to do for myself. I would love to look back and think about how dedicated I was and how disciplined I was and how hard I worked to get to that point. And the harder your goal is to reach, the sweeter the success tastes. But at the same time, I am doing this for fun. I am doing this because I want to do it. I want to enjoy the journey, and not just the finish line. So why am I stressing myself out about it?
I finished the day without going over for my carbs. I hit my carbs, proteins, and was just slightly over on calories and fat (had to add a little cheese to my egg and chicken dinner!). And I'm proud of myself for not cheating for the last 6 days. I have turned down cupcakes, candy, pizza, and beer. When I'm busy during the week, it's much easier to have my meals planned and stay on schedule. But when I'm sitting at home, it's much easier to go to the kitchen, open my fridge or pantry, and just *think* I am hungry and want to eat. I took it day by day this week, and that worked alright. But now I'm planning the whole week at once. If I eat at the same time with the same meals each day, my body will get adjusted to getting that amount of nutrients at those times and hopefully it will be easier to stay strong throughout next weekend. I really like the quote right now, "A goal without a plan, is just a wish." and I think it's exactly what I need to focus on this week. Planning my meals, especially around my random schedule this week. Planning my workouts. Planning on the amount of sleep I will get. Each day is so important to the final product. "Obstacles are put in our way to see if we really want to reach our goals, or if we just thought we did." My obstacle today was getting in my nutrition, when I was so hungry, and just wanted to eat junk. But I overcame it. And because of it, I'm that much closer to getting on the stage.
What obstacles will you overcome this week? Prove to yourself that you are worth the sacrifices and you are worth the success that will come by achieving your goals. Make the choice to be successful and you will.
That's all I've got today. Good night, folks!
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