Well, I have officially purchased my competition suit! Once I get it, I'll post a picture of it for you all to see. How exciting :) Thanks, CJ, for helping me with my measurements, you are the greatest!
I had one of the greatest workouts today! Back and Core. It's crazy to me that I am just starting my third week, it seems like I've been doing this for so long already. But today we got to drop reps on a few of the exercises/sets, and my weight went up SO MUCH! Okay, not like 30# or anything, but it did go up quite a bit. On the bent over rows, I had been doing all 4 sets at 80#, reps varied from 8-12, and today I did my last set at 100#. Very pleased with that. I also decreased weight on the assisted pull-ups. I can't really explain how much because the machine weights are pretty complicated. The list each weight in pounds and kilograms, okay I can understand that, but then they have a knob so you can vary the weight if you are in between two plates. Great. But the knob just is in increments of 1. 1, 2, and 3. One what? I don't know. All I know is that I dropped the weight, meaning each set I was pulling up more of my own body weight. Love that feeling. I can only do 5 or so pull ups on my own, so I do the assisted so that I can target my lats for more reps.
Workout today was:
Pull Ups - 4 sets
Bent Over Barbell Rows - 4 sets
Narrow Grip Lat Pulldowns - 4 sets
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows - 3 sets
V Sits on a bench - 4 sets
Stability Ball Crunches with an added medicine ball held overhead - 4 sets
The abs are getting much (okay, not that much) easier. Really with the V sits, it's my right quad that limits me, because it is knotting up during the third set. The first week, I was incredibly sore all week from this ab workout, and last week I was sore, but not too bad, so I up-ed the weight on the stability ball crunches and really focused on keeping my legs straight on the V sits. All in all, a great workout!
Well, I have some studying and eating to do. Keep at your goals, people. Even if you have a slight deviation, don't lose sight. Persistance is far more important than perfection. Until tomorrow!
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