Ten o'clock and just finishing dinner? Not okay. Today has just seemed so long! Workout today was Legs Legs Legs. I love it. But I also haven't lifted legs in almost 5 weeks, maybe even 6, because of hurting my ankle, and so today was rough. I had to drop weight on almost every exercise, and that is NOT something I'm okay with, ever. Yes I know, it's been over a month, my weight is going to go down. And yes, I know, that I was doing reps up to 20 today, as opposed to sets of 6-10, so logically I'm not going to be able to do 4 sets of leg presses at 400# still. But even though logic supports my weight decrease, I was frustrated. Regardless, Ceej and I got through it. And if I can't sit down to pee tomorrow, all the better. I just won't drink any water. Haha, yeah right. I go 20 minutes without water and my body basically says, What the f, Susie!
Prone HS Curls
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Yup. Felt great. My legs were pushed to the max. Reps are high on this workout since, well lets be honest, my legs are pretty big. I need to get proportional. Tonight at work (yup, this girl got a job! And a job interview for Tuesday!) I had 4 comments/questions about having nice "thick" thighs. What sport do you play? Are you a gymnast? You have great legs. Yes, thank you. These compliments always seem to come when I work at a bar. Must be the booze getting to them. I have always worked at bars, and honestly I do not mind the regulars. But it was so weird being there today smelling fried food and beer, and knowing I wouldn't be eating/drinking there for the next 6 months. Not that I was interested or craved it, but it was just weird. It's weird to tell a complete stranger, My sport? Well, I basically want to be a bodybuilder. hah maybe I'll try that out on my next shift. See what I get in response.
Completely random, but funny gym story. So the SRC is crawling with creeps. I have had way to many guys come up to me and try to ask for pointers, offer advice, ask for my number before they even ask for my name.. that's definitely not getting you anywhere fast, buddy. But anyway there was this one guy who chatted me up one day after my workout, ran up to catch me before I left. Weird but okay. So he wanted to be workout partners. Let me clear this up once and for all. I do not work out with people. I do not want a workout partner. I do not want someone telling me what to do, and I do not want someone critiquing what I do. I research the things I do, I seek help when I need it, your unsolicited help is exactly that, unsolicited. If I do have someone working out with me, that's fine. I love helping people learn about fitness and give people a start in the gym and increase their confidence. But if you are going to do my workouts, then do them. Don't question everything I do, don't tell me we shouldn't be doing a certain exercise. If you don't want to do them, then don't work out with me! Simple as that. (Okay back on track, Sus) So, because I have a hard time lying, I gave him my number (that gets me in to trouble.. I had a 45-50 year old stalker last year. Not even kidding. I couldn't go home for a week, or go outside by myself for a month. I should learn to say no, never took DARE though, and I think they are related). So the next time I saw him at the gym, he was with 2 girls, thicky-thick girls. (Nothing wrong with that) And he was teaching them exercises and what not, rearranged all the benches, and gets on the back extension bench and HE IS WEARING A THONG. Not kidding. Cool if you want to do that (I guess. I think it's weird, but go ahead) but don't let it stick out! And then he starts making out with one of the girls and grabbing her ass, in front of the mirror. SERIOUSLY?! Gross. THEN once she walks away, he comes up to me and says, Sorry I haven't texted you yet - lalala (I forgot what else). Okay, that was pre-injury. I just saw him yesterday with CJ. After my workout, again, he came up to catch me before I could leave. Hey! Sorry I haven't texted you. Kelsey? Katie? What's your name? Susie. Oh right, well you're looking good! Uh.. ya you too. Thanks! I've lost like 10 pounds but I need to start putting in some more fun crazy cardio that you were doing that one time. Oh. I don't do cardio anymore. I'm trying to bulk up a bit. Oh, I can help you out with that! I started my consulting back up! No. That's okay I know what I'm doing. Well, let me see if I still have your number.. Ya, I'll text you my name. See ya later. (I walk away)
Why do people think I'm interested? Boys are clueless. I'm going to need to switch gyms pretty soon, it's getting ridiculous. Well people, enjoy the start to your weekend. Tomorrow is Chest and Core. Gotta get those mirror-muscles lookin' good! Adios!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Put Your Ego Aside
Someone is reading my blog from Netscape. Seriously? That OS is from like 1990. Are you also using a cell phone the size of Zack Morris'? For those of you deprived individuals who don't know what I'm talking about, check out this youtube clip of his cell. Awesome. I really shouldn't make fun of my readers, if your feelings are hurt, well, I'm sorry. But update your computer (we all know you don't have a "smart" phone. It's okay. Those are still "new").
Yesterday was a busy day. After class Ceej and I went to pee in our cups. It was great. We got to see where we will be working, talk to some PTs in the inpatient clinic, and basically have a wonderful time. Then workout time. Yesterday was shoulders and triceps, oh boy, shoulders are my favorite. Sarcastic. Which is clearly why they are too small.
BB Press
Arnold Press
Front Raise
Lateral Raise
OH Extension ss Triceps Pulldown
30 Pushups
You know you worked hard when you have trouble lifting your arms up to shampoo your hair. Might still be a little dirty but at least I made the effort to shower. Win. So I want to talk about pushups for a minute. If you can do them with good form, GREAT. But chances are you can't. I'd say about 90% of the people (guys) I see in the gym pump out 50 pushups, and maybe the first one looks good. First, keep your head up, looking about a foot or 2 in front of your hands. You want to keep your spine in alignment. This head position keeps the core lengthened and shoulders back, so your chest is in its strongest position to perform the exercise. Don't extend your head and look up, don't tuck your chin - yes you will feel like you are going all the way down, but you aren't so you are cheating. Don't be a cheater. Unless it's on a spelling test and you might not pass 3rd grade. Second, if your hips are sinking faster than your chest, you need to strengthen your lower back. Keep your whole back in alignment. And don't be afraid to do FEWER pushups or to drop to your knees. Or work on negatives -- keeping GOOD form and going down slowly until you hit the ground. Then get up and repeat it. You have to train your body to recruit all the necessary muscles and use the correct form. Your body is INCREDIBLY smart and will find the easiest way and most efficient way to get from point A to point B. If you let it. You need to focus on doing things to work the proper muscles, otherwise you won't see any muscle gain. If you are embarrassed to drop to your knees or do negatives, do them at home. But really, you should be more concerned with the fact that you are hurting your body, doing them incorrectly, and you look like an idiot acting like you know everything about working out when your form sucks. That goes for all lifting in general. If your form is going down hill, drop the weight, decrease reps, whatever. But all those reps you do with poor form are only helping the Dr. you have to see and the PT he will refer you to. So actually, keep it up. Job security for me. (Kidding, I'd rather you not get hurt, but if you do, in 2 years come see me.)
Last night, I also went to boxing practice with my friend Kenneth. It was great. The technique in boxing needs to be so spot on, but it was seriously awesome to learn something knew. However, I'm not supposed to be doing cardio right now, or increasing my HR too much, and just working on technique had my HR up to 150. Then we did some conditioning, so I'm going to have to talk to them about not conditioning. I'm sure they'll love that. Eh, whatever.
Leg day today, can't wait, it's my favorite day. Seriously. Lift heavy, squat low. If I can't walk tomorrow, even better. Time to focus. Be productive today and make a plan for the weekend. If you plan your cheat meals, beers, then plan your workout for the next morning. This way you won't ruin your whole weekend and you won't have to start over next week!
Yesterday was a busy day. After class Ceej and I went to pee in our cups. It was great. We got to see where we will be working, talk to some PTs in the inpatient clinic, and basically have a wonderful time. Then workout time. Yesterday was shoulders and triceps, oh boy, shoulders are my favorite. Sarcastic. Which is clearly why they are too small.
BB Press
Arnold Press
Front Raise
Lateral Raise
OH Extension ss Triceps Pulldown
30 Pushups
You know you worked hard when you have trouble lifting your arms up to shampoo your hair. Might still be a little dirty but at least I made the effort to shower. Win. So I want to talk about pushups for a minute. If you can do them with good form, GREAT. But chances are you can't. I'd say about 90% of the people (guys) I see in the gym pump out 50 pushups, and maybe the first one looks good. First, keep your head up, looking about a foot or 2 in front of your hands. You want to keep your spine in alignment. This head position keeps the core lengthened and shoulders back, so your chest is in its strongest position to perform the exercise. Don't extend your head and look up, don't tuck your chin - yes you will feel like you are going all the way down, but you aren't so you are cheating. Don't be a cheater. Unless it's on a spelling test and you might not pass 3rd grade. Second, if your hips are sinking faster than your chest, you need to strengthen your lower back. Keep your whole back in alignment. And don't be afraid to do FEWER pushups or to drop to your knees. Or work on negatives -- keeping GOOD form and going down slowly until you hit the ground. Then get up and repeat it. You have to train your body to recruit all the necessary muscles and use the correct form. Your body is INCREDIBLY smart and will find the easiest way and most efficient way to get from point A to point B. If you let it. You need to focus on doing things to work the proper muscles, otherwise you won't see any muscle gain. If you are embarrassed to drop to your knees or do negatives, do them at home. But really, you should be more concerned with the fact that you are hurting your body, doing them incorrectly, and you look like an idiot acting like you know everything about working out when your form sucks. That goes for all lifting in general. If your form is going down hill, drop the weight, decrease reps, whatever. But all those reps you do with poor form are only helping the Dr. you have to see and the PT he will refer you to. So actually, keep it up. Job security for me. (Kidding, I'd rather you not get hurt, but if you do, in 2 years come see me.)
Last night, I also went to boxing practice with my friend Kenneth. It was great. The technique in boxing needs to be so spot on, but it was seriously awesome to learn something knew. However, I'm not supposed to be doing cardio right now, or increasing my HR too much, and just working on technique had my HR up to 150. Then we did some conditioning, so I'm going to have to talk to them about not conditioning. I'm sure they'll love that. Eh, whatever.
Leg day today, can't wait, it's my favorite day. Seriously. Lift heavy, squat low. If I can't walk tomorrow, even better. Time to focus. Be productive today and make a plan for the weekend. If you plan your cheat meals, beers, then plan your workout for the next morning. This way you won't ruin your whole weekend and you won't have to start over next week!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Sparkling like a Princess
Man, summer school really has caused my blog stats to sky rocket :)
So I have started to look for competition suits. At first when I was looking at them, I almost VIMM (Vommed in my mouth. It's going to start catching on, I can feel it) at all the glitter and gems. And at the price. It's like the less it covers the more you pay. Perfect. But the more I look at them, they sparkle grows on me. It's like I get to be a princess for a day. A barely-clad, painted brown, walking in clear stripper heels princess. Pretty, right? That's why they need the sparkles. Or that's my theory. Anyway, it's been suggested that I wear a shade of blue because of my skin/hair color, which is nice since I like blue. But I've found a couple I'm thinking about and you all should feel free to vote.
1. http://www.saleyla.com/dark-blue-glittery-velvet-twopiece-figure-competition-suit-p-54.html?cPath=1_2
This might be my least favorite because of the different shades of blue-black, BUT I do like the design and clasp in the center. And the strings get cut off once it has been fitted.
2. http://www.etsy.com/listing/81522634/turquoise-blue-velvet-two-piece-figure
This might be my favorite, but it might be the color too. They are all starting to look the same.
3. http://www.etsy.com/listing/86312388/teal-glittery-velvet-two-piece-figure
I didn't notice until now, but also looks a lot like 1 and 5. Just with glitter. Yay glitter :)
4. http://www.etsy.com/listing/68453666/eggplant-velvet-two-piece-figure
Okay I take it back, this might be my favorite. I love the purple (or eggplant.. whatever) And I like the pink gems added to it.
5. http://www.etsy.com/listing/50312411/coral-pink-velvet-two-piece-figure
Similar design to the first, not a fan of the center clasp.
Thoughts? Feel free to share them haha.
Today was Day One of my training. Not to different then what I've been doing, just different splits. Today was Back and Core and CJ joined me! She did great.. might have been the only person with an ear-to-ear grin on her face the whole time, but otherwise she fit right in :) We did
Assisted Pull Ups
Bent Over BB Rows
Narrow Grip Lat Pulldowns
Single Arm DB Row
V Sits on a bench
Stability Ball crunches
It was a really great workout. I focused on the rest time, keeping it to 90 sec between sets, and focused on making sure that last rep was the last one I could do. I increased my DB rows to 55#. Pretty awesome. I love back workouts and I can't wait for it to start filling out!
So, Saturday, I was talking to this guy who was telling me that when he starts working out, he goes Balls to the wall (that saying is old.. let's quit saying it. No ones balls are actually going towards a wall. At least I hope not) and then he is so sore the next day, he quits. I think this is true for a lot of people who were athletes at one point, or at least fit. They think that even though they haven't worked out in 1, 5, 10 years, they should just be able to pick up where they left off. No. Not the case. You should still lift heavy, and work hard, but work your way up. And YOU WILL BE SORE! I'm sore every day. If I'm not, I didn't work hard enough and I increase weight in every single exercise for the next week. Your body will continually adjust and get stronger, so what you are doing on Day 1 will be too easy on Day 30. You need to continually increase your weight or reps, or rearrange your workout, so that your body has to continue to grow and work hard. Otherwise that hour you spent in the gym could've been put to better use cleaning out your house/garage/yard whatever. Don't waste your time by lifting light weights.
His second excuse was that he always had to start something on a Monday. (Okay, weird but fine) And if he was doing well and say, Thursday, missed a workout or ate crappy, he would continue to skip workouts and eat crappy until the next Monday. Okay what the hell. Where did that logic come from? When you make a mistake in life, do you continue to make mistakes the rest of the week until the next Monday rolls around and you can try again? Or do you learn from your mistake and nut up and work harder the rest of the week? If you didn't agree with the second option, you should probably fired from your job, get kicked out of school, and just be a bum for the rest of your life. Because that's the path you are headed down. That and becoming obese. When you make a mistake, accept it as that, just a mistake! Acknowledge it, and move on. If you have one bad meal, forgive yourself, and make the rest of the day right. Eat healthy the rest of the day, and that one meal won't do damage on your body. If you continue to eat poorly, you've probably consumed an extra 600-700 calories. One pound of fat is 3500 calories. So let's call it 700 extra calories, make the math simple. 5 days of this bad behavior is another pound you aren't going to lose. If you go out 2 nights a week - drink a lot, eat late night, and eat poorly - that's about 21# of extra fat you just gained in a year. That 1 hour workout you're doing is now pointless. You say, I just worked my ass off in the gym for 1 hour! Congratulations, what are you doing with the other 23 hours? If you aren't eating right and you aren't getting enough sleep, your gym time isn't doing what you would hope it is doing. I'm not saying don't do it. But I think the more important thing to focus on is nutrition.
His logic is flawed. But the sad thing is I know he's not alone in that thinking.
Well I'm off to start my cooking for the night. Going to experiment with sweet potatoes.. I don't know why, they might be the one healthy thing I just don't like. Oh well, maybe I'll figure something amazing out :)
Tomorrow, I get to go pee in a cup (drug test) and then I'll be hitting Shoulders and Triceps. Get ready for Wednesday. If you didn't start the week off on the right foot, make changes NOW and better prepare yourself for tomorrow! Later people!
So I have started to look for competition suits. At first when I was looking at them, I almost VIMM (Vommed in my mouth. It's going to start catching on, I can feel it) at all the glitter and gems. And at the price. It's like the less it covers the more you pay. Perfect. But the more I look at them, they sparkle grows on me. It's like I get to be a princess for a day. A barely-clad, painted brown, walking in clear stripper heels princess. Pretty, right? That's why they need the sparkles. Or that's my theory. Anyway, it's been suggested that I wear a shade of blue because of my skin/hair color, which is nice since I like blue. But I've found a couple I'm thinking about and you all should feel free to vote.
1. http://www.saleyla.com/dark-blue-glittery-velvet-twopiece-figure-competition-suit-p-54.html?cPath=1_2
This might be my least favorite because of the different shades of blue-black, BUT I do like the design and clasp in the center. And the strings get cut off once it has been fitted.
2. http://www.etsy.com/listing/81522634/turquoise-blue-velvet-two-piece-figure
This might be my favorite, but it might be the color too. They are all starting to look the same.
3. http://www.etsy.com/listing/86312388/teal-glittery-velvet-two-piece-figure
I didn't notice until now, but also looks a lot like 1 and 5. Just with glitter. Yay glitter :)
4. http://www.etsy.com/listing/68453666/eggplant-velvet-two-piece-figure
Okay I take it back, this might be my favorite. I love the purple (or eggplant.. whatever) And I like the pink gems added to it.
5. http://www.etsy.com/listing/50312411/coral-pink-velvet-two-piece-figure
Similar design to the first, not a fan of the center clasp.
Thoughts? Feel free to share them haha.
Today was Day One of my training. Not to different then what I've been doing, just different splits. Today was Back and Core and CJ joined me! She did great.. might have been the only person with an ear-to-ear grin on her face the whole time, but otherwise she fit right in :) We did
Assisted Pull Ups
Bent Over BB Rows
Narrow Grip Lat Pulldowns
Single Arm DB Row
V Sits on a bench
Stability Ball crunches
It was a really great workout. I focused on the rest time, keeping it to 90 sec between sets, and focused on making sure that last rep was the last one I could do. I increased my DB rows to 55#. Pretty awesome. I love back workouts and I can't wait for it to start filling out!
So, Saturday, I was talking to this guy who was telling me that when he starts working out, he goes Balls to the wall (that saying is old.. let's quit saying it. No ones balls are actually going towards a wall. At least I hope not) and then he is so sore the next day, he quits. I think this is true for a lot of people who were athletes at one point, or at least fit. They think that even though they haven't worked out in 1, 5, 10 years, they should just be able to pick up where they left off. No. Not the case. You should still lift heavy, and work hard, but work your way up. And YOU WILL BE SORE! I'm sore every day. If I'm not, I didn't work hard enough and I increase weight in every single exercise for the next week. Your body will continually adjust and get stronger, so what you are doing on Day 1 will be too easy on Day 30. You need to continually increase your weight or reps, or rearrange your workout, so that your body has to continue to grow and work hard. Otherwise that hour you spent in the gym could've been put to better use cleaning out your house/garage/yard whatever. Don't waste your time by lifting light weights.
His second excuse was that he always had to start something on a Monday. (Okay, weird but fine) And if he was doing well and say, Thursday, missed a workout or ate crappy, he would continue to skip workouts and eat crappy until the next Monday. Okay what the hell. Where did that logic come from? When you make a mistake in life, do you continue to make mistakes the rest of the week until the next Monday rolls around and you can try again? Or do you learn from your mistake and nut up and work harder the rest of the week? If you didn't agree with the second option, you should probably fired from your job, get kicked out of school, and just be a bum for the rest of your life. Because that's the path you are headed down. That and becoming obese. When you make a mistake, accept it as that, just a mistake! Acknowledge it, and move on. If you have one bad meal, forgive yourself, and make the rest of the day right. Eat healthy the rest of the day, and that one meal won't do damage on your body. If you continue to eat poorly, you've probably consumed an extra 600-700 calories. One pound of fat is 3500 calories. So let's call it 700 extra calories, make the math simple. 5 days of this bad behavior is another pound you aren't going to lose. If you go out 2 nights a week - drink a lot, eat late night, and eat poorly - that's about 21# of extra fat you just gained in a year. That 1 hour workout you're doing is now pointless. You say, I just worked my ass off in the gym for 1 hour! Congratulations, what are you doing with the other 23 hours? If you aren't eating right and you aren't getting enough sleep, your gym time isn't doing what you would hope it is doing. I'm not saying don't do it. But I think the more important thing to focus on is nutrition.
His logic is flawed. But the sad thing is I know he's not alone in that thinking.
Well I'm off to start my cooking for the night. Going to experiment with sweet potatoes.. I don't know why, they might be the one healthy thing I just don't like. Oh well, maybe I'll figure something amazing out :)
Tomorrow, I get to go pee in a cup (drug test) and then I'll be hitting Shoulders and Triceps. Get ready for Wednesday. If you didn't start the week off on the right foot, make changes NOW and better prepare yourself for tomorrow! Later people!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Holiday Weekend
I love 4 day weekends. They throw me off my schedule, but if it means no school and no studying, I'm okay with that!
It was a much needed break. A lot of relaxing, a lot of movie watching, a lot of pool and outdoor time. Perfect. I got that chance to go down to Concord to see my some of my family and that was a lot of fun, long overdue. But the bad thing about leaving town - even if just for 2 days - my eating was not perfect. Before I left Sunday at 10:30, though, I had already had over 130g of protein :) It was awesome. Saturday I hit my numbers perfectly, which was such a great feeling, just to know that I can do it and that it really isn't that difficult, you just have to plan! But tomorrow will be perfect. And so will the rest of the week. I've decided, instead of thinking of it like, Oh man, I can't have cake/cookies/chips/beer for the next 6 months! I'm going to try to make it one day. And when I master that, I'll take it a week at a time, and then a month, and then 2 months, and by then it will be such a habit I wouldn't think of having it any other way! Small steps lead to big changes.
I got my workouts for the next few weeks! I'm pretty excited. The goal is to compete in November, but we are playing it by ear. It really depends how my back and shoulders are filling in by the end of June. If I look like I can be ready, then I'll sign up for November, if not, we'll push it back to the spring. That might just kill me, so I better train hard and be perfect so I can be ready in November. Then dieting will start in July. It'll go by fast. Everything else is!
My splits from the month are Back/Core, Shoulders/Triceps, Legs, Chest/Core, Shoulders/Biceps. Notice no cardio.. I'm okay with that! I might throw in a day or two of VERY low intensity cardio, HR around 130-150, but only if I'm going crazy. I'm so used to 6 days a week this will be an adjustment. I'm also trying to decide what days I want to take off. Friday-Sunday I have the most free time, so it would be nice to use those days.. who knows. Most likely I'll just do a 6 day rotation and forego the second day of rest. We'll see!
Not much else to inform you on today. Workout number 1 tomorrow! Hope you all had a good and safe Memorial Day holiday, Tuesday, here I come!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Cluck Cluck Cluck
Well, I got another email this morning.
Meredith's emails always get me really excited and pumped up about what I'm doing. They are like another opportunity to learn more and make small adjustments and small steps to reaching my goal. But today, (sigh) was not my favorite piece of information.
I have been eating ~1550 calories/day and it's been fluctuating. Why? Because I'm not on a strict regimen. I eat clean and only make healthy choices (maybe 1 cheat ITEM --not meal, not day, not snack. ONE ITEM in addition to my good choices. And this 1 item is only once every 2 or so weeks. Almost 100% clean), but when trying to get 170g of protein and keeping my fat below 50g, I'm just not hungry for any more calories. BUT I need more. Why? Because. You need to eat for your goals AND for your activity level. Well currently, my goal is to bulk up. I need to really increase the muscle mass on my shoulders and upper back, and I need more protein to do that. I also need to increase my calories, because when I get closer to competition time, I'll need to start cutting. I will cut calories and make adjustments to my macros every time I plateau - which happens to everyone, it's normal. Your body adjusts, its smart. So anyway, if I stay at this silly 1500 level, when I have to cut, I'll go crazy. And all of you who come in contact with me probably will too. So for your sake, I am increasing my calorie intake to 1860 or more. But what is critical, which Mere pointed out, is that I stay pretty consistent on hitting the numbers so my body can adjust to these levels, and when I even drop 100 calories, I'll lose fat. Yay. So to sum up her email - I have to increase my protein intake to 210g, cut my fat intake even more, and increase my calories. At this rate I will be eating a chicken and all of her babies a day. Perfect. That will all start tomorrow though. Yes, I know I preach not to put things off, BUT I need this day to prepare. I need to figure out how many ounces of chicken, how many eggs/egg whites, etc I need to hit these numbers. So tonight will be spent with an excel spreadsheet while I figure out how to hit these.
On to the workout of the day. Today I woke up and felt great. My alarm went off at 6:15am and I was tired but got right up. We didn't get home until after 1am last night, BUT because I didn't drink (1 week sober, go me!) I had no problem getting up, didn't feel the least bit like crap, and was completely happy about it. I do not regret making this decision to cut the booze. It's the best thing for my body and mind right now.. and my wallet. Anyway, I got up and volunteered, grocery store, pool - gotta get my bronze, duh - and the gym. Today was back and biceps.
Pull Ups
Hammer Strength Lat Pulls
Single Arm DB Rows
Seated Cable Rows
Barbell Bent Over Rows
Back Extensions
Alternating Hammer Curls
Alternating DB Curls
Cable EZ Bar Curls
Done and done. My workout took over an hour today, but I think it was good. I slowed down, concentrated on each contraction, and timed my rests. It's funny. I always thought people were ridiculous for resting 2-5 minutes between sets (which is a bit excessive, you don't need more than 2 minutes), and I was always going from set to set, supersetting, active rests, triple sets even, always keeping my HR up and lifting heavy. And that's good, but that's good to lean out not to bulk up. Giving yourself those 2 minutes really will let you lift more and utilize every muscle fiber you can for that exercise, so if you are trying to beef up, the extra rest is needed. And no, you can't build muscle and lean out at the same time. Those are two completely different things. Gaining muscle requires excess nutrients/calories, whereas burning fat and leaning out requires a deficit of nutrients/calories. So for those of you who say, you want to lose weight and but not get bulky - well there is no possible way for that to happen. And also, you will not get bulky (females). Do you think I'm bulky? I may be bigger than you prefer for your own body, but I'm not huge. And I spend hours in the gym and have been going to the gym like this for a good 6-7 years. Yes, I took time off and wasn't as consistent, but the real change was my diet. By lifting weights and eating 70% clean, you aren't going to bulk up. You aren't really going to do much leaning either. Think about it. In school, 70% is a C-. That's almost failing. If that's all you are giving it then you are going to get average to poor results. Working out 5 days a week for an hour is only 3% of your week, making that a very small portion and nutrition a very large portion of your success. If you want B results, which are basically just above average (probably much above average considering the obesity in this world), then you have to eat 85% clean. So the next time you get discouraged about your results, be honest with yourself. You know where to look and you know what to fix. You can do it :)
Enough preaching. Tonight, I am going to do nothing but go to sleep early, and I am so excited. Early as in by 8. I need to catch up. And tomorrow I am going to try to get a bunch of things crossed off my to-do list, workout shoulders and abs, and play soccer for the first time in 4 weeks - when I got hurt. I AM SO STOKED! Hopefully it all goes well.
Well, I'm off to look for competition suits! Whoo-hoo! haha. You might as well just go up there in your birthday suit with how little that string of fabric actually covers. Maybe I'll do that. Save money and might have a better shot. Who knows :) Hope you all enjoyed that visual. Night everyone!
Oh yes, and the most sincere thank you I can muster. To all of you who have commented on my progress and my blog. To all of you even taking time to read it and care about what I'm doing and give me encouragement. Thank you. You are all the greatest people. И мои читатели в России, я надеюсь, что вы наслаждаетесьэтим. (Yes, I used google translate for that. I don't know my Russian followers, but I appreciate them nevertheless!)
Meredith's emails always get me really excited and pumped up about what I'm doing. They are like another opportunity to learn more and make small adjustments and small steps to reaching my goal. But today, (sigh) was not my favorite piece of information.
I have been eating ~1550 calories/day and it's been fluctuating. Why? Because I'm not on a strict regimen. I eat clean and only make healthy choices (maybe 1 cheat ITEM --not meal, not day, not snack. ONE ITEM in addition to my good choices. And this 1 item is only once every 2 or so weeks. Almost 100% clean), but when trying to get 170g of protein and keeping my fat below 50g, I'm just not hungry for any more calories. BUT I need more. Why? Because. You need to eat for your goals AND for your activity level. Well currently, my goal is to bulk up. I need to really increase the muscle mass on my shoulders and upper back, and I need more protein to do that. I also need to increase my calories, because when I get closer to competition time, I'll need to start cutting. I will cut calories and make adjustments to my macros every time I plateau - which happens to everyone, it's normal. Your body adjusts, its smart. So anyway, if I stay at this silly 1500 level, when I have to cut, I'll go crazy. And all of you who come in contact with me probably will too. So for your sake, I am increasing my calorie intake to 1860 or more. But what is critical, which Mere pointed out, is that I stay pretty consistent on hitting the numbers so my body can adjust to these levels, and when I even drop 100 calories, I'll lose fat. Yay. So to sum up her email - I have to increase my protein intake to 210g, cut my fat intake even more, and increase my calories. At this rate I will be eating a chicken and all of her babies a day. Perfect. That will all start tomorrow though. Yes, I know I preach not to put things off, BUT I need this day to prepare. I need to figure out how many ounces of chicken, how many eggs/egg whites, etc I need to hit these numbers. So tonight will be spent with an excel spreadsheet while I figure out how to hit these.
On to the workout of the day. Today I woke up and felt great. My alarm went off at 6:15am and I was tired but got right up. We didn't get home until after 1am last night, BUT because I didn't drink (1 week sober, go me!) I had no problem getting up, didn't feel the least bit like crap, and was completely happy about it. I do not regret making this decision to cut the booze. It's the best thing for my body and mind right now.. and my wallet. Anyway, I got up and volunteered, grocery store, pool - gotta get my bronze, duh - and the gym. Today was back and biceps.
Pull Ups
Hammer Strength Lat Pulls
Single Arm DB Rows
Seated Cable Rows
Barbell Bent Over Rows
Back Extensions
Alternating Hammer Curls
Alternating DB Curls
Cable EZ Bar Curls
Done and done. My workout took over an hour today, but I think it was good. I slowed down, concentrated on each contraction, and timed my rests. It's funny. I always thought people were ridiculous for resting 2-5 minutes between sets (which is a bit excessive, you don't need more than 2 minutes), and I was always going from set to set, supersetting, active rests, triple sets even, always keeping my HR up and lifting heavy. And that's good, but that's good to lean out not to bulk up. Giving yourself those 2 minutes really will let you lift more and utilize every muscle fiber you can for that exercise, so if you are trying to beef up, the extra rest is needed. And no, you can't build muscle and lean out at the same time. Those are two completely different things. Gaining muscle requires excess nutrients/calories, whereas burning fat and leaning out requires a deficit of nutrients/calories. So for those of you who say, you want to lose weight and but not get bulky - well there is no possible way for that to happen. And also, you will not get bulky (females). Do you think I'm bulky? I may be bigger than you prefer for your own body, but I'm not huge. And I spend hours in the gym and have been going to the gym like this for a good 6-7 years. Yes, I took time off and wasn't as consistent, but the real change was my diet. By lifting weights and eating 70% clean, you aren't going to bulk up. You aren't really going to do much leaning either. Think about it. In school, 70% is a C-. That's almost failing. If that's all you are giving it then you are going to get average to poor results. Working out 5 days a week for an hour is only 3% of your week, making that a very small portion and nutrition a very large portion of your success. If you want B results, which are basically just above average (probably much above average considering the obesity in this world), then you have to eat 85% clean. So the next time you get discouraged about your results, be honest with yourself. You know where to look and you know what to fix. You can do it :)
Enough preaching. Tonight, I am going to do nothing but go to sleep early, and I am so excited. Early as in by 8. I need to catch up. And tomorrow I am going to try to get a bunch of things crossed off my to-do list, workout shoulders and abs, and play soccer for the first time in 4 weeks - when I got hurt. I AM SO STOKED! Hopefully it all goes well.
Well, I'm off to look for competition suits! Whoo-hoo! haha. You might as well just go up there in your birthday suit with how little that string of fabric actually covers. Maybe I'll do that. Save money and might have a better shot. Who knows :) Hope you all enjoyed that visual. Night everyone!
Oh yes, and the most sincere thank you I can muster. To all of you who have commented on my progress and my blog. To all of you even taking time to read it and care about what I'm doing and give me encouragement. Thank you. You are all the greatest people. И мои читатели в России, я надеюсь, что вы наслаждаетесьэтим. (Yes, I used google translate for that. I don't know my Russian followers, but I appreciate them nevertheless!)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Freshly Cut Grass..
.. is my favorite smell. Batting practice at a distance is my favorite sound. And walking home after kicking your own ass in the gym is my favorite feeling.
Today was Chest and Triceps. It also was the 2-week mark that my doctor said I could attempt running again. I. Was. Pumped. For someone who dislikes long time spent on the treadmill, I was really excited to get back. Probably too excited. But tomorrow will be the judge of that. My lifting was great too. I PR'd on every single exercise, both in weight and in reps. Can't be more satisfied than that.
Narrow Pushups 3x15
DB Bench Press 3x12
DB Flyes 3x12
Wide Pushups 3x15
DB Kickbacks 3x12
Triceps Cable OH Extension 3x12
Triceps Cable Pulldowns 3x12
I don't really know what I'm doing, though. I'm supposed to be between 10-12 reps on everything, but I really can't do the whole range thing. I need a set number. Maybe next week I should increase weight on everything and decrease reps to 10. Maybe. But most likely I'll just keep pumping them out until I get 12. I'm competitive with myself, can't do less than the week before, you can do the same, but never less. That's going to bite me in the ass tomorrow with this cardio workout. So I got on the treadmill, just thinking I'd leisurely jog for 30 minutes, get my endurance back up, get my ankle used to it. Set the TM at 6.0 mph. Nothing challenging. And then I thought, oh you can go faster then this. So I waited for 2 1/2 minutes to pass and bumped it up to 6.3. I thought I'll bump it up 0.3 and 0.2 alternating every 2 1/2 minutes until I'm at a comfortable pace and just listen to my ankle. Which starting out-- I was running with a limp. It was pretty tight and sore. But that slowly went away, and I kept increasing speed. Then I got to 7.3 and thought, this is good. Make it to 7.5 and you can just stay there. I never run faster than 7.5 for distance on a TM anyway, so let's stop there. (That would be 15 minutes in)
All I could do was think of it in the short 2.5 minute segments. I'd think, only 1 minute left, only 30 seconds. Not like it was 30 seconds until I was done. No. It was 30 seconds until I increased. I thought of the quote, "..Either you are getting off [the treadmill] first, or I'm going to die." There was no one on the TM next to me, so it looked like I was going to death. And I did. I kept increasing until the very end, taking it minute by minute. Reminding myself that my competitors were going hard, and if they weren't, well they are going to lose. And I'm not going to lose because I didn't give it everything I had. I ended the 30 minutes at 8.8 mph. Never have I ever ran that fast on a treadmill besides when I was doing sprints. It was liberating. Such an accomplished feeling. My HR maxed out at 198. Not bad, considering my "max HR" (according to the 220-age formula) is 196. My first real run back, and I ran 3.69 miles. I couldn't stop grinning-and panting-after the clock got to 0.00. So accomplished!
And now, I'm sitting down drinking the most amazing smoothie I've made yet. 8 oz water, 1 scoop powder, 1/2 c applesauce, 1/2 c greek yogurt, 1/2c frozen red raspberries, and 1/2 banana. YUM. Try it. Applesauce really makes it delicious.
Tonight, we are starting off the 4 day weekend with a Durham Bulls (baseball) game. I'm excited to get out and do something.
Life is good. Get your mental game right and you can accomplish anything. Have a great Memorial Day weekend, and be safe. And just because it's a holiday, don't blow all of your hard work and sacrifices from the week. Ciao folks.
Today was Chest and Triceps. It also was the 2-week mark that my doctor said I could attempt running again. I. Was. Pumped. For someone who dislikes long time spent on the treadmill, I was really excited to get back. Probably too excited. But tomorrow will be the judge of that. My lifting was great too. I PR'd on every single exercise, both in weight and in reps. Can't be more satisfied than that.
Narrow Pushups 3x15
DB Bench Press 3x12
DB Flyes 3x12
Wide Pushups 3x15
DB Kickbacks 3x12
Triceps Cable OH Extension 3x12
Triceps Cable Pulldowns 3x12
I don't really know what I'm doing, though. I'm supposed to be between 10-12 reps on everything, but I really can't do the whole range thing. I need a set number. Maybe next week I should increase weight on everything and decrease reps to 10. Maybe. But most likely I'll just keep pumping them out until I get 12. I'm competitive with myself, can't do less than the week before, you can do the same, but never less. That's going to bite me in the ass tomorrow with this cardio workout. So I got on the treadmill, just thinking I'd leisurely jog for 30 minutes, get my endurance back up, get my ankle used to it. Set the TM at 6.0 mph. Nothing challenging. And then I thought, oh you can go faster then this. So I waited for 2 1/2 minutes to pass and bumped it up to 6.3. I thought I'll bump it up 0.3 and 0.2 alternating every 2 1/2 minutes until I'm at a comfortable pace and just listen to my ankle. Which starting out-- I was running with a limp. It was pretty tight and sore. But that slowly went away, and I kept increasing speed. Then I got to 7.3 and thought, this is good. Make it to 7.5 and you can just stay there. I never run faster than 7.5 for distance on a TM anyway, so let's stop there. (That would be 15 minutes in)
All I could do was think of it in the short 2.5 minute segments. I'd think, only 1 minute left, only 30 seconds. Not like it was 30 seconds until I was done. No. It was 30 seconds until I increased. I thought of the quote, "..Either you are getting off [the treadmill] first, or I'm going to die." There was no one on the TM next to me, so it looked like I was going to death. And I did. I kept increasing until the very end, taking it minute by minute. Reminding myself that my competitors were going hard, and if they weren't, well they are going to lose. And I'm not going to lose because I didn't give it everything I had. I ended the 30 minutes at 8.8 mph. Never have I ever ran that fast on a treadmill besides when I was doing sprints. It was liberating. Such an accomplished feeling. My HR maxed out at 198. Not bad, considering my "max HR" (according to the 220-age formula) is 196. My first real run back, and I ran 3.69 miles. I couldn't stop grinning-and panting-after the clock got to 0.00. So accomplished!
And now, I'm sitting down drinking the most amazing smoothie I've made yet. 8 oz water, 1 scoop powder, 1/2 c applesauce, 1/2 c greek yogurt, 1/2c frozen red raspberries, and 1/2 banana. YUM. Try it. Applesauce really makes it delicious.
Tonight, we are starting off the 4 day weekend with a Durham Bulls (baseball) game. I'm excited to get out and do something.
Life is good. Get your mental game right and you can accomplish anything. Have a great Memorial Day weekend, and be safe. And just because it's a holiday, don't blow all of your hard work and sacrifices from the week. Ciao folks.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Cinnamon Swirl Protein Bread
Okay so I thought I would post this recipe first because it's delicious and nutritious, seriously. It tastes like a cinnamon crunch bagel from Panera/Bread Co.
Cinnamon Swirl Protein Bread
Wet Ingredients:
2 egg whites (1/3c)
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/3 c unsweetened applesauce
1/4 c non fat greek yogurt
Dry Ingredients:
1 1/2 c oat flour (or just regular flour)
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/4-1/2 c sugar (I use 1/2 let's be real)
1/3 c sugar
2 Tbsp cinnamon
Makes 16 slices/servings
1 serving: 55 calories, 1 g fat, 8 g carbs, 5 g protein
Also, be aware that the bread is really dense. And since there are no preservatives it has to be refrigerated. Yum. Now go be healthy :)
Cinnamon Swirl Protein Bread
Wet Ingredients:
2 egg whites (1/3c)
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/3 c unsweetened applesauce
1/4 c non fat greek yogurt
Dry Ingredients:
1 1/2 c oat flour (or just regular flour)
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/4-1/2 c sugar (I use 1/2 let's be real)
1/3 c sugar
2 Tbsp cinnamon
- Preheat oven to 350
- Mix dry ingredients in a medium bowl
- Mix wet ingredients in a slightly larger bowl
- Mix topping in a small bowl
- Add dry to wet
- Take a bread pan, or an 8x8 pan, spray it with EVOO spray
- Pour in 1/2 batter, cover with 1/2 the topping
- Pour in the rest of the batter, cover with the rest of the topping
- Use a knife to swirl it through
- Bake it for 25-35 minutes (bread pan will take longer) or until a toothpick comes out clean
Makes 16 slices/servings
1 serving: 55 calories, 1 g fat, 8 g carbs, 5 g protein
Also, be aware that the bread is really dense. And since there are no preservatives it has to be refrigerated. Yum. Now go be healthy :)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Motivation For Those Bad Days
Today has been shit. I've been cranky all day, until now. And I'm sure it is because I was not getting enough food this morning/afternoon. EVERYTHING annoyed me. Stupid comments people made annoyed me. Thinking about a test I have Thursday annoyed me. Spending one more minute on a group project annoyed me. Even going to the gym, I started off with pull-ups and lat pull-downs and was just having an off day, wasn't getting as much strength and power as usual, and that annoyed me. It threw off everything I tried to do. So instead of bitching and complaining of everything and everyone that got to me today, I came home and searched for some inspiration. Some motivation to let me know that, yes, we all have bad days but you know what, tomorrow is a new day and tomorrow will be better. I can do it. I gave it my all. And that's all that matters at the end of the day.
So here's what I found. Some I got from movie quotes, some from famous people, and some I added to finish off the thoughts I thought were incomplete or just needed a little Susie to 'em. Hope this helps get you going.
How do you start your day each morning? Do you angrily smash your alarm clock to pieces and roll out of bed in exhaustion, dreading what you do each day? Or do you jump up, well rested because you went to bed before 11 pm like you know you should, and get excited to tackle another day doing what you love?
Do you blindly find the coffee from the cupboard because you aren't able to function without caffeine? Is that what it takes to wake up in the morning and feel alive?
What about your workouts? Do you focus on big, compound lifts? Do you keep a detailed log and track your progress week after week? Do you stick with a program longer than a week? When it comes to cardio, do you hop on the elliptical while reading a mindless magazine, or do you find the biggest hill or stadiums, and sprint up there until you can see your heart beating through your t shirt?
There's always an easy way out. You can always live a life of mediocrity and unhappiness and do what everyone else does. Or you can choose to not be like everyone else. And you can choose to be unique. It takes too much energy to be jealous of someone else--their life, their job, their abs, whatever. It's a better idea to use that energy and focus it on bettering your own life.
And by the way, I hit my nutrients again today, even though I started really off. So even when you are starting to have a bad day, take a step back, and know that you can turn it around. That's all friends.
So here's what I found. Some I got from movie quotes, some from famous people, and some I added to finish off the thoughts I thought were incomplete or just needed a little Susie to 'em. Hope this helps get you going.
Inch by inch, play by play, until we're finished. We're in hell right now, gentleman, believe me. And we can stay here and get the shit kicked out of us or we can fight our way back into the light. We can climb out of hell. One inch at a time...When you add up all those inches, that's going to make the difference between winning and losing, winning and dying. I'll tell you this, in any fight, it's the guy who's willing to die who's going to win that inch.
-Tony D'Amato from Any Given Sunday (http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0009155/quotes)
There's a certain delusional quality that all successful people have to have. You have the belief that I'm going to do something different then has ever been done before. They have this idea that they aren't going to be told what to do, because they know where they're going. And you always hear the saying be realistic. Well, realism and success are on two different ends of the spectrum. You're always told in life that things of grand accomplishment are unrealistic. But the people who actually act to prove things are realistic, are the successful people. Being realistic is the most common road to mediocrity.The separation of talent and skill is one of the greatest misunderstood concepts. Talent you have naturally, but skill is only developed after hours and hours of beating on your craft. Anyone who got to where they were, not only has talent, but skill is the overwhelming factor in what got them to where they are. While the other guy's sleeping, I'm working. While the other guy's eating, I'm working. No matter how talented you are, your talent is going to fail you if you're not skilled. Delay gratification and take it one day at a time.
You may have more talent then me, you might be smarter then me, but if we get on the treadmill together, there's two things. either you get off first, or I'm going to die. It's really that simple. -Will Smith
You don't start off trying to build a wall. You don't say I'm going to build the biggest, baddest wall. You start off with a brick. You say I'm going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid. And you do this every single day, and soon enough you have a wall. -Will SmithWill Smith's stuff came from this little video clip (http://www.smart-goals-guide.com/actor-will-smith-video.html).
There's no need to have a plan b because it distracts from plan a. - No idea
In order to get to 1,000, you need a thousand 1's. Now each 1 seems insignificant in terms of what it represents, but you need each 1 to add up to 1,000. Now, you make think to yourself, it's okay to miss my workout today, because I worked out yesterday. Or it's okay if I don't read the Wall Street Journal today, one day's not going to kill me. But one day missed of practice takes one day longer to get better. And it's the idea of understanding that each day is the opportunity to build and carry out a task to reach that goal or that idea that you want to reach. Put in the hours and hours every single day on every activity and every task that's going to get you to be the person you want to be. How are you going to act on your dream? On your accomplishments?If you need motivation listen to this http://8tracks.com/thedjraz/motivation-speeches . (this is a great website to get playlists fyi) Actually, listen to that all the time. It pumps me up, it makes you want to work hard and succeed. One thing I've realized, though, is that wanting something isn't enough. You can't just want to be the best and you can't just want to get all A's or want to get 1st place. You have to work your ass off for it. You have to go out and do something to earn that. Do you want it bad enough that you are going to sacrifice pizza? Ice cream? Beer?! Maybe. But prove it to yourself. Sacrifice leads to success, without sacrifice, the best you can hope for is to be average. To be like everyone else. And my problem with being like everyone else? Well, everyone else just sucks.
How do you start your day each morning? Do you angrily smash your alarm clock to pieces and roll out of bed in exhaustion, dreading what you do each day? Or do you jump up, well rested because you went to bed before 11 pm like you know you should, and get excited to tackle another day doing what you love?
Do you blindly find the coffee from the cupboard because you aren't able to function without caffeine? Is that what it takes to wake up in the morning and feel alive?
What about your workouts? Do you focus on big, compound lifts? Do you keep a detailed log and track your progress week after week? Do you stick with a program longer than a week? When it comes to cardio, do you hop on the elliptical while reading a mindless magazine, or do you find the biggest hill or stadiums, and sprint up there until you can see your heart beating through your t shirt?
There's always an easy way out. You can always live a life of mediocrity and unhappiness and do what everyone else does. Or you can choose to not be like everyone else. And you can choose to be unique. It takes too much energy to be jealous of someone else--their life, their job, their abs, whatever. It's a better idea to use that energy and focus it on bettering your own life.
And by the way, I hit my nutrients again today, even though I started really off. So even when you are starting to have a bad day, take a step back, and know that you can turn it around. That's all friends.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Cardio Queen!
Okay, not quite. But I did FINALLY do a little cardio in my workout today, and it's so motivating! I think exercise in general is a great way to let your mind know that you really can overcome obstacles your mind puts in front of you. Seriously, stupid people may be the luckiest because they don't over think things. The rest of us intelligent folk (probably everyone reading this because I don't waste my time making friends otherwise) over think and analyze everything. Our mind really is our own biggest enemy sometimes. My favorite quote is "train your brain to deal with the pain" because I think it's so true. Anyway, my workout today was Shoulders and Abs.. and as much as I hate shoulders - because they are weak and challenging and the weight is always light - I worked hard through it and even got a few PRs, so that was awesome.
Seated DB Shoulder Press
Front Raises to a T
Lateral Raises
Incline Reverse Flyes
Roman Chair
V Sits
And then I finished it off with a 15 minute stationary bike. I know, nothing serious, but I was so happy to get my heart going again and it's nice to know that my ankle didn't fall off or anything dramatic like that!
So, I've always been one to squat over a toilet. Why? I don't know because it's disgusting to sit on someone else's butt I guess. This goes for every toilet other then my own, my parents, or my siblings. Even if you are one of my closest friends, chances are, my butt does not go where your butt went. Until, apparently, recently. It all started one night at Goodfellows. I may or may not have been drinking, and I was feeling risky, and instead of doing something crazy that most people at this hour do, I sat on a toilet. Yuck. The next morning I woke up with red bumps all over the back of my thigh. (They were bug bites but.. this story is dramatic and I was feeling dramatic when it happened). I freaked out. I thought I got some disease from the toilet. And instead of avoiding all public pots, I have begun to sit on multiple toilets and don't realize it until I sit down, my cheeks get wet from the backsplash (of Bondurant.. those powerful puppies are always spraying the seat.. and if it's not water, I don't really want to know) and I have this conversation with myself.. or a few of you select people. Anyway, I have got to nip this new habit in the bud.. before another thing nips me in the bum. Maybe TMI, but people, I don't think this is really out of the ordinary for many of you.
That has been my day in a nutshell. Only 2 hours until I hit the hay, and I have 37-47g of protein to go! Oh but I won't make the same mistake I made last night.. mixing egg whites with protein powder and trying to scramble that up.. ya I basically was just eating pure protein powder and thought I was going to vom. Did gag quite a few times. Pleasant image for you all I'm sure. I'll leave you with that. Be awesome, get out of your head, and lift heavy! Adios.
Seated DB Shoulder Press
Front Raises to a T
Lateral Raises
Incline Reverse Flyes
Roman Chair
V Sits
And then I finished it off with a 15 minute stationary bike. I know, nothing serious, but I was so happy to get my heart going again and it's nice to know that my ankle didn't fall off or anything dramatic like that!
So, I've always been one to squat over a toilet. Why? I don't know because it's disgusting to sit on someone else's butt I guess. This goes for every toilet other then my own, my parents, or my siblings. Even if you are one of my closest friends, chances are, my butt does not go where your butt went. Until, apparently, recently. It all started one night at Goodfellows. I may or may not have been drinking, and I was feeling risky, and instead of doing something crazy that most people at this hour do, I sat on a toilet. Yuck. The next morning I woke up with red bumps all over the back of my thigh. (They were bug bites but.. this story is dramatic and I was feeling dramatic when it happened). I freaked out. I thought I got some disease from the toilet. And instead of avoiding all public pots, I have begun to sit on multiple toilets and don't realize it until I sit down, my cheeks get wet from the backsplash (of Bondurant.. those powerful puppies are always spraying the seat.. and if it's not water, I don't really want to know) and I have this conversation with myself.. or a few of you select people. Anyway, I have got to nip this new habit in the bud.. before another thing nips me in the bum. Maybe TMI, but people, I don't think this is really out of the ordinary for many of you.
That has been my day in a nutshell. Only 2 hours until I hit the hay, and I have 37-47g of protein to go! Oh but I won't make the same mistake I made last night.. mixing egg whites with protein powder and trying to scramble that up.. ya I basically was just eating pure protein powder and thought I was going to vom. Did gag quite a few times. Pleasant image for you all I'm sure. I'll leave you with that. Be awesome, get out of your head, and lift heavy! Adios.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
10# of Meat
I have already been more productive this morning by 10am then I have been all weekend. Cleaned the apartment--well mainly kitchen and bathroom, there isn't much more then that anyway--did laundry, unpacked finally from my Kansas trip, and wrote 1/2 a paper and did two discussions! Feeling good.
Yesterday, I went to the gym and was annoyed to find out the SRC was closed and had to go to Ram's Head instead. It's funny how just little changes in your routine, machines, etc, can really throw you off. But after I got there I adapted and had a great workout. Increased weight in everything except for Cable EZ Bar Curls, but my guess is that was more because all cable machines are different based on how many pulleys are there, the amount of friction it has, and what not. So I was pretty proud of myself. I did Biceps and Back and threw in some HIIT Abs as well. I mainly hit 3x12 but had the same 2x10-12 and 1xfailure attitude. I did:
Wide Grip Assisted Pull-ups
Single Arm DB Rows
Seated Cable Rows
Bentover BB Rows
Alternating Hammer Curls
Alternating DB Curls
Cable EZ Bar Curls
I was supposed to have some Hammer Strength Lat Pulls in there, but of course Ram's doesn't have that machine, so I had to live without it.
For the abs I followed this circuit -- which is amazing and challenging and you should all try it:
Circuit 1: Circuit 2: Circuit 3:
Spider Man Plank Bicycle Abs Leg Raises
Plank Hold Side Plank R Reverse Crunches
2 Level Planks Side Crunch R Super Man
Plank Hold Side Plank L Side Plank R + Reach Under
Plank + Leg Lift (each 15s) Side Crunch L Side Plank L + Reach Under
Plank Hold Side Plank R
Mountain Climbers Russian Twist
Plank Hold Side Plank L
So for Circuits 1 and 2, you do the odd exercises for 45s and then straight into the even plank/side plank holds for 30s, until you finish them all. Circuit 3 you just do 15 reps of each thing back to back. Give yourself 1 minute rest between each circuits. The first one is definitely the most challenging for me but it's an awesome workout.
Tomorrow was supposed to be my rest day, but I'm debating changing that to today since SRC will once again be closed today and I really just don't like going to Ram's Head. But if I do go, I'll have shoulders and core.
Yesterday I also went to the UNC v VT baseball game, which was great! It was the last regular game of the season and I am pretty bummed I didn't go to more, they really are awesome. Then I went and watched my soccer team play and they won 5-3! We've never lost by more than 1 point and we really are great.. but I think we've only won 2 games--both of which I haven't played. Awesome. I'm really hoping I can start running Wednesday and be able to play Saturday. My ankle is doing much better, still a little sore and limited ROM but much better. I'm done resting, it's time to put mind over matter and be a beast.
Also, yesterday was complete success with nutrition! I hit my macro goals right on target! Stoked. Although I did have to eat 12 oz of chicken for dinner to do it, and my jaw was tired of eating by the end of it, but I did. And I was satisfied. When you feed your body the fuel it needs, you won't be hungry. Period. If you are always hungry, or having cravings, you are eating the wrong things. But anyway, I hope today I can more naturally get there. Yesterday I went out and bought 5# of chicken breasts, 1# of salmon, and 4# of ground turkey. Expensive grocery trip. I came home and cut up and trimmed all 12 breasts so that it would make for easy cooking/stir frying/whatever when I need to. i do this and freeze some of it and make the rest of it for the week so I'm prepared. For me, I don't really have junk food around my house, and I'm too broke to buy fast food or eat out, so when I don't have food ready, I just don't eat, which is equally as bad as eating crap. So BE PREPARED!
Well people, I'm off to study some Cardiopulmonary, write the rest of my paper, and work on my bronzing! Have a wonderful Sunday. Use today to prepare your meals and workouts for the week--success takes planning and preparation, be ready for anything that might cause set backs and for you to feel like you failed and you won't!
Yesterday, I went to the gym and was annoyed to find out the SRC was closed and had to go to Ram's Head instead. It's funny how just little changes in your routine, machines, etc, can really throw you off. But after I got there I adapted and had a great workout. Increased weight in everything except for Cable EZ Bar Curls, but my guess is that was more because all cable machines are different based on how many pulleys are there, the amount of friction it has, and what not. So I was pretty proud of myself. I did Biceps and Back and threw in some HIIT Abs as well. I mainly hit 3x12 but had the same 2x10-12 and 1xfailure attitude. I did:
Wide Grip Assisted Pull-ups
Single Arm DB Rows
Seated Cable Rows
Bentover BB Rows
Alternating Hammer Curls
Alternating DB Curls
Cable EZ Bar Curls
I was supposed to have some Hammer Strength Lat Pulls in there, but of course Ram's doesn't have that machine, so I had to live without it.
For the abs I followed this circuit -- which is amazing and challenging and you should all try it:
Circuit 1: Circuit 2: Circuit 3:
Spider Man Plank Bicycle Abs Leg Raises
Plank Hold Side Plank R Reverse Crunches
2 Level Planks Side Crunch R Super Man
Plank Hold Side Plank L Side Plank R + Reach Under
Plank + Leg Lift (each 15s) Side Crunch L Side Plank L + Reach Under
Plank Hold Side Plank R
Mountain Climbers Russian Twist
Plank Hold Side Plank L
So for Circuits 1 and 2, you do the odd exercises for 45s and then straight into the even plank/side plank holds for 30s, until you finish them all. Circuit 3 you just do 15 reps of each thing back to back. Give yourself 1 minute rest between each circuits. The first one is definitely the most challenging for me but it's an awesome workout.
Tomorrow was supposed to be my rest day, but I'm debating changing that to today since SRC will once again be closed today and I really just don't like going to Ram's Head. But if I do go, I'll have shoulders and core.
Yesterday I also went to the UNC v VT baseball game, which was great! It was the last regular game of the season and I am pretty bummed I didn't go to more, they really are awesome. Then I went and watched my soccer team play and they won 5-3! We've never lost by more than 1 point and we really are great.. but I think we've only won 2 games--both of which I haven't played. Awesome. I'm really hoping I can start running Wednesday and be able to play Saturday. My ankle is doing much better, still a little sore and limited ROM but much better. I'm done resting, it's time to put mind over matter and be a beast.
Also, yesterday was complete success with nutrition! I hit my macro goals right on target! Stoked. Although I did have to eat 12 oz of chicken for dinner to do it, and my jaw was tired of eating by the end of it, but I did. And I was satisfied. When you feed your body the fuel it needs, you won't be hungry. Period. If you are always hungry, or having cravings, you are eating the wrong things. But anyway, I hope today I can more naturally get there. Yesterday I went out and bought 5# of chicken breasts, 1# of salmon, and 4# of ground turkey. Expensive grocery trip. I came home and cut up and trimmed all 12 breasts so that it would make for easy cooking/stir frying/whatever when I need to. i do this and freeze some of it and make the rest of it for the week so I'm prepared. For me, I don't really have junk food around my house, and I'm too broke to buy fast food or eat out, so when I don't have food ready, I just don't eat, which is equally as bad as eating crap. So BE PREPARED!
Well people, I'm off to study some Cardiopulmonary, write the rest of my paper, and work on my bronzing! Have a wonderful Sunday. Use today to prepare your meals and workouts for the week--success takes planning and preparation, be ready for anything that might cause set backs and for you to feel like you failed and you won't!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Last Day
Today has just been one of those days. We have Fridays completely off, so you think I'd get everything taken care of today, right? Wrong. I wake up at 7:45 and proceed to lay around bed just playing minesweeper on my phone until 8:45am. Then I finally get out of bed, make breakfast - which was a delicious combination of eggs and everything in my fridge - and before you know it, it's 10 AKA prime sun time. So instead of going to the gym, doing homework, studying, I pack a bag and head to the pool. My bronze needed work and I was overwhelmed. Planned on leaving by 12:30, stayed until almost 2:30, and I have a nice red tan line across my neck as proof. Awesome.
I then had to watch the final episode of Grey's and (Possible Spoiler Alert!) boy was I disappointed! Not by the death, but by the ending. No one finds them? Seriously? Bad ending.. and are any of them even going to be surgeons anymore? You would think they would just add on 3-4 episodes and make this the final season since supposedly everyone's leaving. Oh well.
I was just about to head to the gym, when my best friend Melissa skyped me from Paris. She's been there all year, was supposed to come back by now, but instead is staying at least until August.. or whenever her Visa expires. It was 10 pm there.. and she was drunk. It was great. So, I didn't get my workout in because I am now on my way to dinner and the movie The Dictator with some new friends.
I just got a message back from Meredith about competing, and am super excited. She said (which I expected) that I need to build up my delts and back since I have a short thick torso to give it more of a V-taper. She thinks I need about 6 weeks to work on my upper body and then 16 weeks to focus on my diet, so that will put me around late October, early November for a competition. Yikes that's coming up quick. So today is the last day for cheat meals and from here on out I'm going to be 100% with my nutrition. I'll start posting my meals to give y'all an idea of what I'm doing. Wish me luck!
Before I go, though, I thought I'd clue you in to some huge food dilemmas I've been having lately. First, the mystery between cherry and grape tomatoes is this: one is shaped more round like a cherry, and one is shaped more oval like a grape. Guess which is which. This gem of information was given to me by my wonderful sister Anne. Second, a frozen banana may sound like a good addition to your PWO smoothies, BUT they are difficult to peel. So I'm thinking maybe peel them before you freeze them.. or just don't freeze them and add ice cubes.
I then had to watch the final episode of Grey's and (Possible Spoiler Alert!) boy was I disappointed! Not by the death, but by the ending. No one finds them? Seriously? Bad ending.. and are any of them even going to be surgeons anymore? You would think they would just add on 3-4 episodes and make this the final season since supposedly everyone's leaving. Oh well.
I was just about to head to the gym, when my best friend Melissa skyped me from Paris. She's been there all year, was supposed to come back by now, but instead is staying at least until August.. or whenever her Visa expires. It was 10 pm there.. and she was drunk. It was great. So, I didn't get my workout in because I am now on my way to dinner and the movie The Dictator with some new friends.
I just got a message back from Meredith about competing, and am super excited. She said (which I expected) that I need to build up my delts and back since I have a short thick torso to give it more of a V-taper. She thinks I need about 6 weeks to work on my upper body and then 16 weeks to focus on my diet, so that will put me around late October, early November for a competition. Yikes that's coming up quick. So today is the last day for cheat meals and from here on out I'm going to be 100% with my nutrition. I'll start posting my meals to give y'all an idea of what I'm doing. Wish me luck!
Before I go, though, I thought I'd clue you in to some huge food dilemmas I've been having lately. First, the mystery between cherry and grape tomatoes is this: one is shaped more round like a cherry, and one is shaped more oval like a grape. Guess which is which. This gem of information was given to me by my wonderful sister Anne. Second, a frozen banana may sound like a good addition to your PWO smoothies, BUT they are difficult to peel. So I'm thinking maybe peel them before you freeze them.. or just don't freeze them and add ice cubes.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Third Degree Burns
So I'm having this issue adjusting to life without my dog around. First of all, I have no back up alarm now. I used to not even have to set one and she'd wake me up at 4:30am and then again at 6:15 am like clockwork. And if I did set an alarm, the second it went off she'd be right there breathing out through her nose in small puffs which would get me out of bed. No snoozing. She was the best. And then last night while I was eating dinner, I cut a piece of chicken and stupidly tried to stop it from falling by catching it between my table and knee. Well I stopped it, and did I mention the chicken was HOT? So after what must have been 3rd degree burns, I let it fall to the floor, and first thing I thought was, Now who is going to clean that up since Blizzard isn't here? But I suppose the plus of her not being here is that my floors are much cleaner, and the 3 second rule has now turned into an as-many-seconds-as-I-want rule. So.. I suppose it's not completely a losing situation. I got to eat my floor chicken.
Umm.. I definitely just heard my neighbor burp. He may live alone, too, but he did not say Excuse me. I texted him to let him know I was offended. Moving on...
Workout today was great! I had triceps and chest (and eventually will throw in the cardio). It was a hard workout and I almost hit myself in the face with a 40# dumbbell.. conveniently, Ryan was there to lift it back up for me so I could finish my set. But I was pretty pumped about that. Before this week I had been doing 3 weeks of circuits. The circuits consisted of 5-7 exercises and had reps as high as 20-30. It was hard, but because the reps were so high, my weight was lower. I was doing this to lean out a bit, and as a result lost a little bit of strength, so I was super stoked to see that I'm still getting a PR every workout! Here's what I did today:
Narrow Push Ups
DB Bench Press
DB Flyes
Wide Push Ups
Triceps Kickbacks
Cable Triceps OH Extensions
Cable Triceps Pull-downs
I love that I am still getting "the pump" with my triceps exercises. It's such an awesome feeling. When all the blood is flowing to the muscles and they are just swollen (sigh).. love it. I'm such a meat head.
Wow, I get distracted too easily. I started making quinoa like.. an hour and a half ago. Put it on the stove to boil, by the time I remember it's there almost all of the chicken broth has evaporated. I figure this isn't an all bad thing since it needs to be absorbed anyway, so I cover it and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Well 10 minutes was up over 30 minutes ago. I checked it.. tastes better then last time. Which isn't too much of a feat because last time it was still soggy and awful. Forced it down anyway. But my plan is to mix it with some cherry tomatoes (the package says grape tomatoes but everyone keeps telling me they are cherry.. don't know who to believe. They might as well be called mini-tomatoes... seems more logical) spinach, onion, and who knows what else. Might even throw in some cottage cheese, it's good on everything, like peanut butter.
Well, I'm rambling. Off to do who-knows-what.. this whole getting out of class by 11:30/no class on Friday is great and all.. But I seriously have nothing to do. Maybe I'll tackle some Mario Kart. Gotta work on racing manually like my BIL (Brother-in-law) taught me over Easter..
Enjoy your weekend! Make a plan, don't over consume, and give yourself that ME time!
Umm.. I definitely just heard my neighbor burp. He may live alone, too, but he did not say Excuse me. I texted him to let him know I was offended. Moving on...
Workout today was great! I had triceps and chest (and eventually will throw in the cardio). It was a hard workout and I almost hit myself in the face with a 40# dumbbell.. conveniently, Ryan was there to lift it back up for me so I could finish my set. But I was pretty pumped about that. Before this week I had been doing 3 weeks of circuits. The circuits consisted of 5-7 exercises and had reps as high as 20-30. It was hard, but because the reps were so high, my weight was lower. I was doing this to lean out a bit, and as a result lost a little bit of strength, so I was super stoked to see that I'm still getting a PR every workout! Here's what I did today:
Narrow Push Ups
DB Bench Press
DB Flyes
Wide Push Ups
Triceps Kickbacks
Cable Triceps OH Extensions
Cable Triceps Pull-downs
I love that I am still getting "the pump" with my triceps exercises. It's such an awesome feeling. When all the blood is flowing to the muscles and they are just swollen (sigh).. love it. I'm such a meat head.
Wow, I get distracted too easily. I started making quinoa like.. an hour and a half ago. Put it on the stove to boil, by the time I remember it's there almost all of the chicken broth has evaporated. I figure this isn't an all bad thing since it needs to be absorbed anyway, so I cover it and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Well 10 minutes was up over 30 minutes ago. I checked it.. tastes better then last time. Which isn't too much of a feat because last time it was still soggy and awful. Forced it down anyway. But my plan is to mix it with some cherry tomatoes (the package says grape tomatoes but everyone keeps telling me they are cherry.. don't know who to believe. They might as well be called mini-tomatoes... seems more logical) spinach, onion, and who knows what else. Might even throw in some cottage cheese, it's good on everything, like peanut butter.
Well, I'm rambling. Off to do who-knows-what.. this whole getting out of class by 11:30/no class on Friday is great and all.. But I seriously have nothing to do. Maybe I'll tackle some Mario Kart. Gotta work on racing manually like my BIL (Brother-in-law) taught me over Easter..
Enjoy your weekend! Make a plan, don't over consume, and give yourself that ME time!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
It's On!
Since when are Wednesday's bad days?! Mondays, I understand, Wednesdays though? No. It was always the day I'd schedule the most classes/labs in undergrad because after Wednesday you could really feel like it was the weekend! I suppose grown up life is a little different, but still. If you find yourself complaining about what day it is every day and whining that it's Monday/Tuesday whatever and Where did the weekend go? Is it Friday yet? you are probably doing something terribly wrong with your life. Get a new job, switch majors, do something you enjoy! But if you complain more days then you don't, you need to make a serious life change--and I'm not talking about switching from Lucky Charms to Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs (which is a good change, btw). You know who you are..
Currently, I am boiling a dozen eggs for the rest of the week. Yum! I eat 5 eggs every morning for breakfast and I'm considering eating hard boiled eggs for snacks and adding eggs to my late night snacks. (8pm.. just call me grandma) Anymore eggs and I might as well start clucking. But I love them. Speaking of food, if you have sweet cravings you should SERIOUSLY try Clif Builder Bar's Mint Chocolate protein bar. YUM. When I need something sweet I just take 2-3 bites of it and it's enough to satisfy me. Plus they have 20g protein and only 31g carbs.. which isn't perfect but it's much better than some choices you can make!
I FINALLY made it to the gym and I'm so happy I did. You know that saying that's something like, You never regret when you do it, but you always regret it when you don't and it has a picture of something fitness-y? Ya, that is so true. And I love it! Today I did biceps and back. My plan I had written has me supposed to do cardio with that, but, doctor's orders :) So I listened. Here's what I did:
Assisted Pull Ups
Lat Pull Down
Seated Cable Rows
Reverse Grip Narrow Pulldowns (or what I call Biceps Pulldowns)
Back Extension
Barbell Curls
Overhead Cable Curls
I did 3 sets of everything aiming for 10-12 reps and the last set I took to failure, which for most sets was right between 10-12 meaning I chose my weights right! If that third set you can do more than 12, you aren't lifting heavy enough, and you know it. I was happy about my workout, hard, but I did it and I felt good about it. They did rearrange all the equipment, though, which was sort of annoying because I couldn't find things and they got rid of some of the things I like to use. I had also written this workout with this gym in mind so I could easily go from one machine/bench to the next and now I was walking all over like a crazy person. Oh well, I did it. I was also bummed that no one was there to do my body fat. Since I kind of took the last 2 weeks off with my diet/lifting (NEVER a good idea ps) I wanted to see where I was at. I'd be happy with 17% but nothing higher. (Here's a little body-fat guide for women: 33+ = obese, 27-29 = average, 21-24 = "fitness" range, 17-20 = athletic/lean, below 16 = very lean athlete) Hopefully someone will be around tomorrow and I can get that done.
Okay, I think I've written a book now. I'm off to peel some eggs! Have a wonderful Wednesday, make the most of your week!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Feels Like Monday
First day back to school, and what a day. Not bad just long.
I woke up this morning at 6:18am for class which starts at 7:30. Not enough time for me. My breakfast itself takes me like 20 minutes to make, 10 to eat, and I had to shower. Well, I suppose I didn't have to, I've never been to keen on pushing showers on anyone, but it was the first day back. It's like when I was little and I'd make a list of things to do before class: Wake Up (Check), Get Dressed, Eat Breakfast, Brush Teeth, Wash Face, etc.. You always want to be prepared the first day, is my point. And I was not. I hadn't really thought about the fact that I would be in class until 3:30 today and not just 11:30, so I hadn't made lunch/food yesterday. And on top of that, I thought the bus came at 7:21am (like the regular schedule) but was quickly informed that it was at 7:08.. at 7:07. These may not seem like big step backs, but oh! they sure were. If you are aiming for success--which if you aren't, what are you doing with your life?--then you need to be prepared. You need to plan. You need to make meals ahead of time so you don't grab what's convenient, you need to write out your workouts and rest times so you don't waste time in the gym. You need to lay out what you are wearing the night before class so you don't show up naked. Truth. Especially that last one.
Random rant:
Got an email from my clinical today informing me of my work hours/uniform/policies etc for the summer. I have to wear... POLOS. Seriously? Me? No. Not cool. Now I have to go out and buy polos to wear for 8 weeks and then never wear again (unless future clinicals force me to). I'm sorry if you wear them, but polos make you look like a man. They are unflattering unless you are a dude. My Caged Steel MMA t-shirt may not be flattering to you, but polos are flattering to no one. Unless you are living back in 2001. Sorry to break it to you, people.
Anyway, today, I am not making it to the gym, but I've decided today is my last day off. Yes, I am going to listen to the doctor, BUT I will be in the gym tomorrow and be doing upper body. I will also do lower body workouts just single joint movements and open chain -- think prone/seated leg curls, leg extensions. I can handle that for a week and a half. Legs won't be getting hit as hard, but let's be honest, my legs aren't exactly my weakness. I can press a house and squat a mini van. Done it twice. Eh.. that's a lie, but I don't doubt my abilities.
Well, I'm off to bake some chicken, hard boil a dozen eggs, and cook some quinoa for the week. Then, I will sit on my butt and watch some missed television from my vacation. Have a great night people, get prepared for tomorrow!
I woke up this morning at 6:18am for class which starts at 7:30. Not enough time for me. My breakfast itself takes me like 20 minutes to make, 10 to eat, and I had to shower. Well, I suppose I didn't have to, I've never been to keen on pushing showers on anyone, but it was the first day back. It's like when I was little and I'd make a list of things to do before class: Wake Up (Check), Get Dressed, Eat Breakfast, Brush Teeth, Wash Face, etc.. You always want to be prepared the first day, is my point. And I was not. I hadn't really thought about the fact that I would be in class until 3:30 today and not just 11:30, so I hadn't made lunch/food yesterday. And on top of that, I thought the bus came at 7:21am (like the regular schedule) but was quickly informed that it was at 7:08.. at 7:07. These may not seem like big step backs, but oh! they sure were. If you are aiming for success--which if you aren't, what are you doing with your life?--then you need to be prepared. You need to plan. You need to make meals ahead of time so you don't grab what's convenient, you need to write out your workouts and rest times so you don't waste time in the gym. You need to lay out what you are wearing the night before class so you don't show up naked. Truth. Especially that last one.
Random rant:
Got an email from my clinical today informing me of my work hours/uniform/policies etc for the summer. I have to wear... POLOS. Seriously? Me? No. Not cool. Now I have to go out and buy polos to wear for 8 weeks and then never wear again (unless future clinicals force me to). I'm sorry if you wear them, but polos make you look like a man. They are unflattering unless you are a dude. My Caged Steel MMA t-shirt may not be flattering to you, but polos are flattering to no one. Unless you are living back in 2001. Sorry to break it to you, people.
Anyway, today, I am not making it to the gym, but I've decided today is my last day off. Yes, I am going to listen to the doctor, BUT I will be in the gym tomorrow and be doing upper body. I will also do lower body workouts just single joint movements and open chain -- think prone/seated leg curls, leg extensions. I can handle that for a week and a half. Legs won't be getting hit as hard, but let's be honest, my legs aren't exactly my weakness. I can press a house and squat a mini van. Done it twice. Eh.. that's a lie, but I don't doubt my abilities.
Well, I'm off to bake some chicken, hard boil a dozen eggs, and cook some quinoa for the week. Then, I will sit on my butt and watch some missed television from my vacation. Have a great night people, get prepared for tomorrow!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Bad Good News
What a weekend!
Lawrence treated me well, as always. It was good to see so many old friends and pick up right where we left off. I love that town! I got to go to a wedding Saturday afternoon and it was great, the bride looked so beautiful and was the happiest bride I've ever seen. She seriously just let loose and had so much fun at her wedding, never have I seen someone that relaxed but she deserved it. However, all you brides-to-be, I don't care about the tradition about not seeing your husband before the wedding, take your pictures before. It is really annoying having to wait around for 3 hours between the wedding and reception so the wedding party can take pictures. Not cool.
I took off Sunday morning from Lawrence at 6:45 CT and made it to Chapel Hill at 12:15 ET. 16 1/2 hours driving straight.. surprisingly wasn't too bad. And 1120 miles (door to door) with only 2 stops! Ya, I'm proud of myself. I may dehydrate and starve myself in the process, but try to beat that. It took my 17 hours to get there with 3 stops, but I think it was more that I went through Kansas City instead of around it.
I'm going to take my pictures today, finally, and send them off to Meredith and hopefully she won't be too overwhelmed at the amount of work we have to do but I'm so excited. I got XRays done Thursday morning before leaving for Lawrence. Good news: Nothing is broken/torn. Bad news: Stay off of it for 2 MORE weeks. That means no soccer this weekend, no cardio (eh, not too upset about that), no lifting, and really no walking more than necessary. I have to wear an air-cast (should've seen that at the wedding!) all day and RICE. Basically everything I knew and didn't want to hear. But I'm going to try to listen to the doctor this time, take the time off and get ready to hit the weights hard when I can get back to the gym. That's May 25th. Way to waste my whole month ya stupid ankle.
Alright people. Go big today. Make the most of your Monday and plan for the rest of your week! Success comes one step at a time!
Lawrence treated me well, as always. It was good to see so many old friends and pick up right where we left off. I love that town! I got to go to a wedding Saturday afternoon and it was great, the bride looked so beautiful and was the happiest bride I've ever seen. She seriously just let loose and had so much fun at her wedding, never have I seen someone that relaxed but she deserved it. However, all you brides-to-be, I don't care about the tradition about not seeing your husband before the wedding, take your pictures before. It is really annoying having to wait around for 3 hours between the wedding and reception so the wedding party can take pictures. Not cool.
I took off Sunday morning from Lawrence at 6:45 CT and made it to Chapel Hill at 12:15 ET. 16 1/2 hours driving straight.. surprisingly wasn't too bad. And 1120 miles (door to door) with only 2 stops! Ya, I'm proud of myself. I may dehydrate and starve myself in the process, but try to beat that. It took my 17 hours to get there with 3 stops, but I think it was more that I went through Kansas City instead of around it.
I'm going to take my pictures today, finally, and send them off to Meredith and hopefully she won't be too overwhelmed at the amount of work we have to do but I'm so excited. I got XRays done Thursday morning before leaving for Lawrence. Good news: Nothing is broken/torn. Bad news: Stay off of it for 2 MORE weeks. That means no soccer this weekend, no cardio (eh, not too upset about that), no lifting, and really no walking more than necessary. I have to wear an air-cast (should've seen that at the wedding!) all day and RICE. Basically everything I knew and didn't want to hear. But I'm going to try to listen to the doctor this time, take the time off and get ready to hit the weights hard when I can get back to the gym. That's May 25th. Way to waste my whole month ya stupid ankle.
Alright people. Go big today. Make the most of your Monday and plan for the rest of your week! Success comes one step at a time!
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Some of my Theta sisters and I |
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Katie (Seitz) and Joel Hamilton |
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Wedding Bells Are Broken
What a day.
So last night I saw a few of my girlfriends, and they are great, I love them. But it's also weird. Of my grade school circle of girlfriends (5 of us) 1 is married, 2 are engaged and getting married before the end of the year, and 1 just went to look at rings with her boyfriend and they are moving to Omaha this summer. And then there is me. You know you're the odd man out when you come home and my DAD (if you knew my dad.. you would know how little he knows/recognizes/remembers about my friends .. he has 5 daughters .. I get it) says Man all of your original friends are getting married.. and you don't even have a boyfriend! Yes, thanks for the reminder, dad.
But tonight was great. I got to see 3 of my really great guy friends from high school for a bit. They are awesome and doing so well, which makes me incredibly happy, especially if you knew the kids I hung out with in high school. Great people... not exactly the best decision makers. Anyway, no wives, no babies, no girl friends. Make me feel right at home. We might be the only 4 left, but whatever, I'm cool with it.
My day was great though, lunch with my dad, dinner at an Irish pub with my parents, and froyo. I love my parents. My mom is pushing for me to get an xray tomorrow morning before I leave.. I missed the doctor's call though, so, who knows.
Exciting news!! I got an email back last night from a trainer in the Durham area who has competed, herself, in figure competitions over the last 9 years. And she is willing to coach/help me out with this whole adventure! I'm so thankful, she's awesome. See for yourself (http://meredithfalcon.blogspot.com/) I'm obsessed with her blog.. read it everyday. Anyway, I'm really stoked about this and just have to take some bikini pictures for her and then we can get the ball rolling. Now, I have to find my photographer (Ceej, ya down?)
Alright, people. Tomorrow's a travel day--back to Kansas--so who knows if I'll have time to blog but be awesome and do something with your lives. Take steps to making yourself better, healthier, fitter, smarter, more talented, whatever.. just do it (thank you Nike). Ciao
Meredith Falcon,
Sioux City, IA, USA
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Just Pain
Again, another eventful morning in Iowa! I was woken up at 7:13 by Bean sitting on my bed. Then Bliz came in and wanted some attention so Bean laid flat on top of me pinning my arms by my sides so I couldn't pet either of them. So I start talking to Bliz so she knows I love her (no, it's not weird that I talk to my dogs) and Jilly comes in snorting and groaning and wiggling her butt and I know I have no choice but to get up and go play ball. Haven't done much else today, and currently I'm sitting in the same spot as always icing my ankle.
We learned in class this last semester that the feelings of icing goes something like this: cold, burning, throbbing, numbness. Well, actually, it goes like this: cold, so f.ing cold that I want to cry, numb. Except that first stage is like 1 second long and that middle stage is about 15 minutes long. It's all just pain to me.
I'm getting a little stir crazy not working out, but I know it's what I need to do if I want to be at my best. I figure 1, maybe 2, full weeks of rest should be enough so that I can really push myself again and not risk re-injuring my ankle. I don't understand people who workout and don't push themselves or give it their all. What are they trying to accomplish? Do they really think any gains will come of it? Sure, I agree, if you only have 20 minutes to workout, that 20 minutes is better than nothing. But 20 minutes spent lifting light weight or walking when really your body should be lifting heavy or running, is not doing much for you. That's like telling me going to walk 2 miles is enough exercise my body needs. Uh.. right.
I think I finally have finished writing my workouts for the next four months, although I'm sure I will constantly be changing them. I started with workout goals of getting a PR in some lift every day, and to lift 5 days a week and do cardio 3-4 days a week. But then as I wrote all of my workouts, I'm lifting 6 days a week. I also want 1 day a week to be outdoor, body-weight stuff on a track/football field/stadium. I need more days in every week. I think my plan will be to drop one lifting workout a week (since I usually repeat 2 muscle groups/week) depending on what's sore and doing a whole-body body-weight workout outside that day instead. We'll see what ends up happening. I'm starting with 10-12 reps/set, then dropping to 6-8 reps/set, then to 4-6 reps/set, and then finishing with high intensity and high reps to try to lean out. I'm hoping this will help me build up my muscle enough so that when it's time to lean, I don't have much muscle loss occurring, and have a good base built up. It's important to switch up your workouts every 4-6 weeks to keep your body from adapting, whether it's reps, sets, grouping body parts together, the order of your lifts, the rest time, whatever. So that's what I've designed my workouts to do, and hopefully I get some good results. I need to get to 11-13% body fat to really be a good competitor, so my goal is to be at 13% by week 14. We'll see what happens.
Tonight, I have plans to get together with some girlfriends. I'm really excited. It's funny how now every time I come back home I hardly see/talk to any of my high school friends, but the girls I really look forward to seeing are my grade school and middle school friends. Probably because everyone sucks and isn't themselves during high school, they are all trying to be cool and popular and like everyone else. I'll stick with the girls I hung out with when I was 10.
Alright, people, go make something of yourselves today. Mediocrity is a daily choice. Refuse it and be awesome.
We learned in class this last semester that the feelings of icing goes something like this: cold, burning, throbbing, numbness. Well, actually, it goes like this: cold, so f.ing cold that I want to cry, numb. Except that first stage is like 1 second long and that middle stage is about 15 minutes long. It's all just pain to me.
I'm getting a little stir crazy not working out, but I know it's what I need to do if I want to be at my best. I figure 1, maybe 2, full weeks of rest should be enough so that I can really push myself again and not risk re-injuring my ankle. I don't understand people who workout and don't push themselves or give it their all. What are they trying to accomplish? Do they really think any gains will come of it? Sure, I agree, if you only have 20 minutes to workout, that 20 minutes is better than nothing. But 20 minutes spent lifting light weight or walking when really your body should be lifting heavy or running, is not doing much for you. That's like telling me going to walk 2 miles is enough exercise my body needs. Uh.. right.
I think I finally have finished writing my workouts for the next four months, although I'm sure I will constantly be changing them. I started with workout goals of getting a PR in some lift every day, and to lift 5 days a week and do cardio 3-4 days a week. But then as I wrote all of my workouts, I'm lifting 6 days a week. I also want 1 day a week to be outdoor, body-weight stuff on a track/football field/stadium. I need more days in every week. I think my plan will be to drop one lifting workout a week (since I usually repeat 2 muscle groups/week) depending on what's sore and doing a whole-body body-weight workout outside that day instead. We'll see what ends up happening. I'm starting with 10-12 reps/set, then dropping to 6-8 reps/set, then to 4-6 reps/set, and then finishing with high intensity and high reps to try to lean out. I'm hoping this will help me build up my muscle enough so that when it's time to lean, I don't have much muscle loss occurring, and have a good base built up. It's important to switch up your workouts every 4-6 weeks to keep your body from adapting, whether it's reps, sets, grouping body parts together, the order of your lifts, the rest time, whatever. So that's what I've designed my workouts to do, and hopefully I get some good results. I need to get to 11-13% body fat to really be a good competitor, so my goal is to be at 13% by week 14. We'll see what happens.
Tonight, I have plans to get together with some girlfriends. I'm really excited. It's funny how now every time I come back home I hardly see/talk to any of my high school friends, but the girls I really look forward to seeing are my grade school and middle school friends. Probably because everyone sucks and isn't themselves during high school, they are all trying to be cool and popular and like everyone else. I'll stick with the girls I hung out with when I was 10.
Alright, people, go make something of yourselves today. Mediocrity is a daily choice. Refuse it and be awesome.
Monday, May 7, 2012
New Goals
I'm in Iowa and I'm bored. It's not that I don't love my home and family and dogs, it's just that when I am here, I do nothing.. literally. Today for example. I woke up at 8, after my alarm went off at 4:30, 5:15, and 6:21. I never turn my alarms off when I'm on vacation, because what if I forget to turn them back on? Exactly. Anyway, woke up at 8, played ball with the dogs, made my mom and I some breakfast, and played with the dogs again while picking up their poop. Eventful morning. Since then, I've been sitting on the couch writing my workout plans for the next four months and petting Blizzard. See, literally I have done almost nothing. Have I showered today? No. Am I okay with that? Obviously. And I have the worst headache in the world. Sometimes I think it's because I don't shower and my hair just is weighing down my head. More likely, though, it's because I haven't had enough protein today.
I guess my new goal of competing has been bouncing around in my head for about 13 weeks now. That's how long ago I decided to get serious and start working out and eating right again. And now I am so used to getting 140+ grams of protein a day that when I don't it really throws me off. I love chicken. I was doing a 12-week program I found on bodybuilding.com and it was really great and now that it is over, I'm trying to set up my own program for training. My goal was to compete by the end of this year, but now that I hurt my ankle and can't workout lower body or do any cardio (let's be honest, I don't mind giving that up) I'm waiting to see when I can get back to it to decide when I want to compete. I think I need a good 7 months training prior to the show to be ready, 3-4 on my own and then I'll work with a coach to get the posing/logistics/etc of the whole thing down. But I'm excited to have this new goal in sight.
Lets talk about this dang ankle shall we? So last Saturday (like over a week ago) I rolled it playing soccer in the first 15 minutes. It popped pretty loud, and hurt like a.. well you all know. So I went out for maybe 25 seconds and told myself to suck it up, mind over matter, and all those great motivational tools of abuse we use. Went back in and played the rest of the game because we had no subs. It wasn't too bad playing, hurt to cut but I could run straight. By the end of the game though I could feel how swollen it was and could hardly walk once I took off my gear. The rest of the day Saturday I was on crutches and cursing so much Blizzard thought I was mad at her, poor girl. That week I was able to put more weight on it and was "walking" Sunday and even worked out Sunday and Monday upper body. I drove to Kansas on Wednesday --18 hours just you and a dog.. that's always a good time -- and it wasn't too bad but ever since then it's been awful. Too much swelling and bruising. I started wrapping it to get the swelling to go down and now it's hurting more-top of the foot, back of the ankle, front of the ankle, halfway up my leg, you get the idea. I think I'm going to give in and get an X-Ray when I get back to NC because I have a game in 2 weeks I do not want to miss. Oh the joys of being stubborn.
Well, time to catch up on this past weeks guilty pleasures! Night people!
Sioux City, IA 51104, USA
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