Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wedding Bells Are Broken

What a day.

So last night I saw a few of my girlfriends, and they are great, I love them. But it's also weird. Of my grade school circle of girlfriends (5 of us) 1 is married, 2 are engaged and getting married before the end of the year, and 1 just went to look at rings with her boyfriend and they are moving to Omaha this summer. And then there is me. You know you're the odd man out when you come home and my DAD (if you knew my dad.. you would know how little he knows/recognizes/remembers about my friends .. he has 5 daughters .. I get it) says Man all of your original friends are getting married.. and you don't even have a boyfriend! Yes, thanks for the reminder, dad.

But tonight was great. I got to see 3 of my really great guy friends from high school for a bit. They are awesome and doing so well, which makes me incredibly happy, especially if you knew the kids I hung out with in high school. Great people... not exactly the best decision makers. Anyway, no wives, no babies, no girl friends. Make me feel right at home. We might be the only 4 left, but whatever, I'm cool with it.

My day was great though, lunch with my dad, dinner at an Irish pub with my parents, and froyo. I love my parents. My mom is pushing for me to get an xray tomorrow morning before I leave.. I missed the doctor's call though, so, who knows. 

Exciting news!! I got an email back last night from a trainer in the Durham area who has competed, herself, in figure competitions over the last 9 years. And she is willing to coach/help me out with this whole adventure! I'm so thankful, she's awesome. See for yourself ( I'm obsessed with her blog.. read it everyday. Anyway, I'm really stoked about this and just have to take some bikini pictures for her and then we can get the ball rolling. Now, I have to find my photographer (Ceej, ya down?) 

Alright, people. Tomorrow's a travel day--back to Kansas--so who knows if I'll have time to blog but be awesome and do something with your lives. Take steps to making yourself better, healthier, fitter, smarter, more talented, whatever.. just do it (thank you Nike). Ciao

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