Thursday, June 21, 2012

Back to Being Positive

This week has been chaotic. Why? I have no idea really. It's not like I'm actually busy. Yes, I am doing more then usual, but I think really it's just that my schedule has been thrown off. And it just takes me some time to adjust. Things are going really well here, though. I like the clinic I'm at.. except for the polos. I mean most of them are wearing polos too, so it's not that bad. But I had to wear a polo with black pants. I felt like I was going to work at McDonalds. That might have been the worst. I don't know if I will wear my new, comfy, nicely fitting, black pants again. Just because McDonald's ruined them for me. Or at least not with a polo. Who knows though. Tomorrow I only have 4 hours of work and then I'm going to a Pilate's studio with my CI (Clinical Instructor.. a PT who teaches me basically) to lead some lady through some exercises. Who knows. It's not a part of my clinical, I'm just doing it.

My workouts yesterday and today have been pretty good. It's been difficult adjusting weights, but that's just something you deal with when switching gyms in general. Whether my weight is going up or down this first week, I'm not really concerned. The main point is to just lift as heavy as possible, with good form, and work my muscles to exhaustion by the last rep. As long as I do that, I don't care shouldn't care about how heavy the weights are. Good theory. My damn ego still gets in the way though. Whatever. Today was legs. We did both the lunges and squats on the smith machine today, and I was actually pleased with that. Lunges were much easier. Not in my quads/glutes, but I could focus on where to push and on my form more, then just wanting to quit. Typically I dread lunges just because they take SO LONG! Not that this was any faster, but it was different, and I could lift more because I didn't have to clean and press that barbell over my head, it was just already there! Magic :) But I definitely pushed more with my front heel and even kept my back foot off the ground for both the eccentric and concentric motions, and only put it down for a little balance. It was divine. So here was the day:

Squats on Smith Machine ss Squat Jumps - 3 sets
Seated HS Curls (They don't have the prone machine.. which (surprise, surprise) annoyed me) - 4 sets and a drop
Leg Press - 4 sets
Lunges on Smith Machine - 3 sets
Leg Extension - 3 sets

The leg press also was different. The one I like to do has you pushing more at an incline of 45 degrees or so, and the one at my new gym is more of a horizontal push. It felt like I didn't have as much room to get full extension and full flexion before the weights would drop down. But I eventually got the hang of it and increased weight each set, even though reps increased as well. It definitely wasn't as awesome of a feeling as pressing over 400.. but I did it and worked hard and I was basically limping out of the gym my legs were so shaky.

We are headed back to CH tomorrow after CJ is done working, so we will get to do 2 workouts this week at the SRC and Rams. Praise the Lord! I am also going to try out some new recipes this weekend,  some different protein breads, and a Carob Chip Banana bread of Little B's, and a few others. I'll post the recipes that I make if they turn out to be delightful. It's also my bff from Kansas, Jack's, bday Wednesday and CJ's bday Thursday of next week, so I will be making some desserts for them (clean.. shh don't tell) and going out to celebrate while being 100% on my diet. This week I ate all of the stuff I needed to eat, but a few days had some serious cravings and would eat a tootsie roll (yes only one) after the gym. So my goal for this weekend is to be 100% and to prep all of my food again for the week, no cheating, no extras, nothing, this weekend. A few days of being good takes away all the urges of being bad. Seriously. So that's that. I think I'm going to post my meals this weekend - no lying, no leaving anything out - so you all can hold me accountable. So if you found my last nutrition post boring, check back on Monday :)

Well, I'm going to bed. Last night I stayed up until 11:30 playing minesweeper on my phone.. and I was exhausted and "rushed"... meaning I only had 2 hours between waking up and getting to work to sit around and eat as opposed to 3. I'm weird, I like my morning chill time. Whatever, you all have weirder quirks.

Catch ya on the flip side! And thanks to my AMAZING sisters for all of the support and motivation and encouragement you gave me this weekend. I love you all more then anything!

1 comment:

  1. Your sisters think you are pretty flipping AMAZING yourself :)
