Monday, June 4, 2012

Random Thoughts

As I was walking to class this morning, sippin on my water jug, I thought There isn't a better taste in the world (okay I realize as I type this, that it MAY be quite the exaggeration.. but still) then drinking cold water when you have freshly brushed teeth! And then... I burped. Not just any burp, but an egg burp. THE. WORST. And I thought, The most disgusting thing might be burping eggs with freshly brushed teeth. My moment of happiness is over. Ha. And so Monday begins...

Any of you ever use Well, I do sometimes when I'm bored. And today, I stumbled upon this website It's kind of funny/awesome. You can vent to a stranger or you can listen to a stranger vent. I chose to listen today. And had a teenage girl talk to me about her boy problems. I felt like such a proud mom when she made a smart decision for herself! ha And in the mean time you get to play Tetris while you wait for someone. Win-win.

For dinner tonight I had tilapia. I marinated it in Cumin, Garlic Salt, Lime Juice, and Chili Powder (I don't measure anything, sorry I'm not sorry) for 30 minutes and then cooked in on my George Foreman at med/high heat for 10 minutes. (Maybe, I don't look at a clock when I cook either.) I topped it with some cilantro, onion, tomato, and fresh limes. Delish.  HOWEVER, it's stupid that I buy this big pack of tilapia fillets, and it turns out 6 oz is a serving. Well, there are like 5-6 fillets in there, and that makes only 2 servings. Wish I would have realized that when I bought it. Regardless, it was quick and easy and so good.

My day today has been so wonderful since I had my whole menu for the day planned out last night, and I didn't even have to think about what I should prepare, or calculate anything. Such a happy girl today! See what good planning can do for you?

Also, I noticed this morning that my abs are no longer sore. It was great. They will be ready for back and core tomorrow! I'm ready to get back to the gym. Tomorrow will be a super busy day, but I am okay with that. The busier I am the less time I have to sit around and get bored and write pointless blogs like this one. I'm sure you are disappointed to hear that. But a girl's gotta live!

Last thought, I bought a swim suit from VS and it is THE. CUTEST. THING. EVER! Bottoms fit like a gem. The top, though, (sigh) that's an issue. I bought it in my side, when it got here, I tried it on to find out that it is padded 2 sizes. TWO SIZES PEOPLE. Someone with my chest does not need 2 extra cups added. It looked okay from the front, but if I turned to the side you could see space between my chest and the padding. Ridiculous. Thank you Vicky for the double F boobs. So I exchanged it for a top 2 sizes too small. And now it fits, but I still just feel way to busty for anyones good. Why do they think someone with big boobs wants a 2 cup padding, and why would you want that in a swim suit? All I want is the damn underwire and pretty pattern. Sheesh. I'm contemplating returning it, but that's on my list of things to do. Which as I type this, I realize is getting long. So I'm off to start crossing things off my list.

Have a great night!


  1. random thoughts indeed!!! which VS swimming suit did you buy?

