Sunday, June 24, 2012

Susie Home Maker

So I didn't post daily what I had to eat, but I did well anyway, so mind your own business :) Kidding. I did have a special moment with the peanut butter jar Saturday morning and was about at my fat quota by 1pm, so I had to hide the jar from eye sight. Pathetic, maybe, but I succeeded. I just really love peanut butter.

Saturday I went to Ram's and got my last workout of the week in -- shoulders and biceps. That was a sight. My right shoulder has been killing me so much that I can hardly hold a weight in it. But luckily Brandon was at the gym so I lifted my arm up and he put the weight in my hand for the overhead shoulder presses. Once the weight was there, I could do the lift on my own, so I still got a good workout in, and still increased weight on some things. The lateral cable raises were killer and so were the incline bicep curls. I couldn't hold a 20# DB in my right hand, let alone the 25# DB I had been using last week, so I dropped to 15# on my right and 20# on my left. My right side is stronger anyway and so I figured I could just work on my left catching up :) I don't know if it works like that, but it makes sense to me. Also, Brandon did a few of the shoulder special tests on me and we are guessing it's either impingement or labral injury. I'm going with impingement just because I don't have time for labrum probs. (Seriously, click on that link.. nothing to do with shoulders/labrum/whatever.. just click)

I also started my training at the Carolina Club Saturday. It is a very slow paced waitressing job, but the people (alum typically) are all very friendly and fun to talk to and I got to sample some food and bring a lot of leftovers home from a wedding reception. I only took a big portion of spinach salad, chicken, ham, and some white fish, but it's all very delicious and FREE hah. I love anything free. Well, not anything. I don't want like free bird poop on my head, or free plantar warts - lord knows I've had enough of those - but you get the idea. And no, I don't care that the world knows I had a lot of warts growing up, if anyone is to blame it is my parents/sisters for not reinforcing showers.

Today I think I have only spent about an hour outside of the kitchen and laundry room. Cleaning and ironing all my work clothes - I burnt my knuckle on the iron too, typical. I made 5 sweet potatoes, 2# baked chicken (simple "recipe" below), cut up a bunch of red pepper, onion, and broccoli, and then made a Raspberry Lemon Protein Bread (Jamie Eason's cinnamon swirl bread but altered) and some Raspberry Protein Muffins (Little B's blueberry muffins altered)

Too bad I don't have two muffin tins and too bad I don't have patience to make two batches :) Oh well! My house smells delicious right now from all these raspberries cookin!

I also made some protein pancakes this morning of Jamie Eason's. Delicious! I am going to post all these recipes and nutrient info on different posts starting as "Recipe: " so that if you ever want to go back you can just search "recipe" and find them all. And you can just take out the protein if you don't want it and they will still be delicious! (Remember to refrigerate.. no preservatives)

The rest of my day I'm going to spend finishing ironing, making my turkey burgers, and driving back to Greensboro for another week of "work". CJ and Jack's birthdays are this week so it will be a good test for me. Oh! I did want to mention, that last night I went out to the bars with some friends and just ordered water and put that Mio flavoring stuff in it. SO good! And I was always holding a "drink" so I didn't feel the need to drink alcohol or anything! I was super happy about it and about how easy it was.

One week until D-Day (clearly not the WWII invasion of Normandy, France) nervous but excited to see how much progress I've made in 5 weeks. Maybe I'll post pics.. most likely I won't haha. Alright well. Catch ya later. Hope you all stuck with your weekend goals. Monday is going to be here before you know it, so plan out your week and pick a goal to reach by the end of the week or a bad habit to break! One little thing, one day at a time, and eventually you'll get to where you want to be!

My chicken:
Preheat oven to 400. In a frying pan, spray some olive oil, salt and pepper the bottom of the pan. Lay down the raw chicken. Salt and pepper the top. Let it hang for about 3-5 minutes, flip it and let it hang out 3-5 minutes. Maybe flip it one more time if the outside isn't white. Then when your oven is ready, pop it in there (in the frying pan) for about 20-30 minutes and take it out when it's completely white and the juices are clear. Done. Easy clean up. It's the JUICIEST simplest chicken ever. And then just throw on some mushrooms or sriracha sauce or whatever. It's a good base chicken for recipes.


  1. you should get your shoulder checked out - if it's a labrum you're still young enough to fix it. if you let it go you're just going to get arthritis

  2. I, too, dislike free bird poop. Like the time I got free bird poop on my head/face when I was out riding my bike looking for you and Mom laughed at me when I got home. Oh, family memories.
